3 days ago5 minutes
The Ascent
Drawing on the theories of Moyo Chibuye, the Expeditionary Corps successfully traversed the Belasenka territory without incident. At great cost, they managed to establish a makeshift camp on the foothills of the Cais Adarra.
9 days ago4 minutes
Mana Moths
While exploring the winding tunnels of the Cerulean Hollow, an Yzmir mage happened upon a most intriguing cavity by pure chance. The secluded grotto, hidden from sight and far from the open air, was home to swarms of ethereal Moths.
17 days ago5 minutes
Butterfly Effect
A horn’s roar pierces the night. Tocsin. I would recognize him anywhere. I step out of the transport’s cabin, my senses on high alert. Fastening my belt around my hips, I check my sword.
23 days ago4 minutes
Thanks to recent information, we have been able to reassess the situation we are facing within the Storhvit. Even though these findings should still be taken with caution, they may provide us with new insights into the repeated assaults of the Belisenki.
about 1 month ago5 minutes
The Belisenki
Those we call the "White Shadows" are now targeting our convoys. The first recorded attack came from a hunting party that had ventured into the tundra in search of game.
Gericht vaan-Brasht
During the paranoid reign of Ayxas, the Mad Kuningas sought to crush any groups that could threaten his sovereignty.
2 months ago6 minutes
The Storhvit
The vanguard of the Expeditionary Corps has been deployed in the region named "Storhvit" by the first scouts of the exploration forces. While the Rediscovery Endeavor benefited from mild Tumult currents in Caer Oorun, the same cannot be said for areas beyond the borders of the rehabilitated Province.
3 months ago7 minutes
Show Must Go On
The workers assemble the bleachers with their usual casual indifference. It’s always hard to believe the stage will be ready on time, but the miracle will occur again tonight, as always.
4 months ago4 minutes
Waru Toowoom - Paper Herald - Butterfly Folding - Rhombus Categorization / Priority 6
5 months ago3 minutes
The Fratricidal War
Following the abandonment of Caer Oorun, now under the Kraken’s rule, the displaced population had to find a new land to rebuild everything.
5 months ago5 minutes
The Paramours of Seki
When it comes to tragic love, the story that most easily comes to the minds of the Asgarthans is that of Nittaya Vorona and Acantha Shah, also known as the Paramours of Seki.
The Three Factions War
Already ravaged by the Severance War, the third century ends in the bloody twilight of a new conflict, called the Three Factions War. For many years, three of the five existing Factions engaged in a fierce struggle for influence within the corridors of the Asterion. What began as mere political maneuvers turned into open warfare among the rivals.
6 months ago4 minutes
The Severance War
The beginning of the third century was marked by the gradual rise of the Governors, who were tasked with developing Asgartha’s Provinces, as they were granted near full regional powers. This key role allowed them to amass wealth and influence, to the point where they eventually challenged the authority of the Basileus. As infrastructures and cities developed and regional economies grew, so did their personal ambitions.
7 months ago3 minutes
The Nifir
For nearly three-quarters of a century, the Nifir had regularly plagued the Asgarthan population. Brought back from the salt mines of the island of Suspira, this unknown disease spread like an ink stain across the rest of the Peninsula.
The Torment
Seventy years after its founding, Asgartha faced dark times that nearly led to the fall of humanity's cradle. In 42 AC, Cwaith had succeeded Rune, and Ayxas was poised to take over after the High Queen, whose reign had lasted nearly twenty-eight years. Under the influence of the Kuningatar, the living conditions of the Asgarthans had greatly improved.
7 months ago4 minutes
Noblesse Oblige
The descendants of the Rune Knights have benefited from the aura of their illustrious ancestors. As a result, these ancient families have, over time, become the aristocratic class of Asgartha. The ruun-Heshkari, ruun-Caellach, and other ruun-Tighe Houses have always been closely associated with power, regardless of the ruling regime or political system of the time.
8 months ago3 miutes
The Vanishing
Even now, it remains one of the most enigmatic mysteries in the history of Asgartha. After over forty years of reign, Rune, the first High King of Asgartha, vanished without a trace, as if by magic. His quarters were found empty, his rooms abandoned.
8 months ago4 minutes
The Great Wandering
It is difficult to know how many years this period actually lasted. During this troubled era, few cared to measure time with precision... However, it is commonly accepted that the Great Wandering lasted between one hundred and one hundred and fifty years.
9 months ago5 minutes
Economic System
On the menu of this article, we have hard cash and food for thought!
9 months ago7 minutes
Political System
Discover how Asgartha is governed and by whom.
Outside of its rail network (trams, trains) and its short- and long-haul air routes (airships), the democratization of the Kelon has led to the emergence of numerous ground vehicles on the city's streets, ranging from unicycles to automobiles, including automated carriages. However, these vehicles remain seldom used, as the Asgarthan topography and infrastructure are still not well-suited for these modes of transport.
9 months ago9 minutes
Metropolitan Way of Life
Delve deeper into Asgartha's capitol to better understand how the Asgarthans live !
10 months ago9 minutes
Known as the "City of Alabaster" or simply the "First City," Arkaster is the capital of Asgartha and the chief town of Caer Eidos. The metropolis itself, nestled between the peninsulas and islands of Sekent, Kemeri, Kuna, and Nisan, has more than 695,000 inhabitants, nearly a quarter of the entire Asgarthan population.
10 months ago6 minutes
Cities of Asgartha – 2nd Part
As Asgartha was gradually populated, urban centers formed naturally in all corners of the Peninsula.
10 months ago7 minutes
Cities of Asgartha – 1st Part
11 months ago7 minutes
Festivities & Celebrations
It's not all harshness in the altered world; one must also know how to commemorate what deserves to be celebrated!
The Concord
After long and perilous journeys —some even lasting the span of a human lifetime— the communities of survivors, now known as Tumult Tribes or Nomads, found themselves in the same place, finally reunited after decades of isolation.
11 months ago10 minutes
Global Timeline
Asgartha was not built in a day.
11 months ago3 minutes
The Expeditionary Corps
After centuries of isolation, humanity's new home is now sufficiently stable for it to turn its gaze outward. It already knows that there are other shores, other territories still affected by the Tumult, but capable of sustaining life.
12 months ago5 minutes
Caer Oorun
Nearly three centuries ago, Asgartha encompassed another Province: Caer Oorun. This territory was part of the same Oasis as the rest of the Peninsula. Initially, it was an agrarian area upon which the human colony of Asgartha relied to meet its needs.
The Leviathans
Their footsteps make the ground tremble and the mountains shake, their silhouette obscures the sun when they spread their wings or soar above the clouds... Leviathans are titanic creatures, large enough to cover vast cities.
12 months ago4 minutes
Vagheria is an austere and rugged peninsula constantly battered by rain. Its terrain makes it a natural barrier against the Tumult currents, and it absorbed the majority of the mutagenic flows from the titanic Tumult tsunami of 305 AC.
about 1 year ago5 minutes
The Seas
The Asgarthan Peninsula is almost entirely surrounded by seas. Throughout history, it has relied on their maritime resources to meet the needs of its population. Even today, despite the airships and aerodynes traversing the sky, numerous vessels still crisscross these aquatic expanses, whether for fishing or transporting goods.
about 1 year ago4 minutes
An almost uninhabited volcanic island, made of black stones and sands, Suspira bathes in an unreal end-of-the-world atmosphere. Located far from Arkaster, it is called the "whispering island" or the "isle of murmurs," referring to the sulfuric vapors that almost constantly exhale from the ground.
Located east of the Kirighai peninsula, Enosha is also divided into two Provinces: Caer Esvander to the west and Caer Alcada to the east. While Anthea is mainly specialized in cereal, fruit, and vegetable cultivation, Enosha is characterized by the strong presence of pastures and mountainous regions. This is why it is renowned for its livestock and mineral quarries.
The largest peninsula in the Asgarthan Protectorate, located south of the capital beyond the Muir Concordia, is divided into two Provinces: Caer Kettria to the west and Caer Arcolano to the east. Like Enosha, Anthea is considered an agrarian and pastoral territory, and the capital heavily relies on the food resources from this peninsula to feed its population.