
  • Lore

  • April 3rd, 2024

Reading time

4 minutes

Vagheria is an austere and rugged peninsula constantly battered by rain. Its terrain makes it a natural barrier against the Tumult currents, and it absorbed the majority of the mutagenic flows from the titanic Tumult tsunami of 305 AC. When the Rampart was extended, its architects leveraged the rugged topography of Vagheria to serve as the foundation for this magical wall protecting Asgartha from the Tumult and the Kraken. The peninsula is almost uninhabited, except for the Aegis sentinels, Bravo fighters, and Yzmir mages who have settled in scattered strongholds along the Rampart. These small contingents, serving as lookouts, rotate every four months. Each shift change is eagerly awaited.


The Rampart

The Rampart is a magical wall erected to protect Asgartha from any external threats. Crafted in 120 AC and extended for hundreds of kilometers in 313 AC following the tumultuous tsunami of 305 AC, it harbors only one terrestrial opening, which was sealed centuries ago: the Solstice Gate. The Rampart consists along its entire length of two parallel walls. Between the two walls, magical turbines blow and push the Tumult currents outward, preventing their mutagenic effects from striking the Peninsula. There are several strongholds along the wall, each topped with a floating tower housing Kelon cores. These cores are the power source for the turbines.

Of the sixteen strongholds of the Rampart, two are notably important: the Solstice Gate, of course, which is the sole terrestrial entry and exit point of the Peninsula, but also the Bysanthe citadel, located north of the Vagheria peninsula. This fortress oversees the open waterway between the Muir Concordia and the Elikadura fjords. It is this passage, nestled between high majestic walls, that was used by the Bravos and the Ordis to transport materials for the construction of the Cebir, as well as to launch perilous ventures off the Caer Oorun coasts.

The eastern part of Vagheria, located outside the walls, has been deeply affected by the various Tumult currents that have crashed against its steep foothills. A strange grove has unfolded there over the years, around a disturbing flora: carnivorous plants, herbs mimicking human voices, flowers with hypnotic movements, pollen with soporific properties... Few dare to venture there without an escort, except for certain Yzmir or Muna. The latter have indeed established a laboratory and greenhouses in this place, with the aim of collecting and studying the properties of these plants, which have been strongly marked by the Tumult.