The Leviathans

  • Lore

  • April 10th, 2024

Reading time

5 minutes

Their footsteps make the ground tremble and the mountains shake, their silhouette obscures the sun when they spread their wings or soar above the clouds... Leviathans are titanic creatures, large enough to cover vast cities. They are forces of nature, and like Chimeras, they feed on Mana. The Oasis of Asgartha is the territory of one of them: Kaibara, the Whale Leviathan. This latter lives within the mountainous expanses of the Kirighai peninsula, which loom above the Katkera. Its "nest" is a frozen lake, the largest on the Peninsula. That's where it hibernates part of the year. The rest of the time, after breaking through its icy shelter, it rises into the skies and brushes against the clouds.

While Kaibara lives in harmony with other living beings of Asgartha, the same cannot be said for other Leviathans, who wish to seize its territory. The Bravos assist their tutelary Leviathan in defending the Peninsula against some of these colossi, but many still come to challenge an aging Kaibara. While Cadracal, the Iguana Leviathan, and Annoba, the Moray Eel Leviathan, were defeated by the alliance between the Asgarthans and Kaibara, others continue to try their luck when the opportunity arises. The Cierna is the realm of Kacchena, the Moving Island - a Turtle Leviathan that is an ecosystem unto itself. Depending on its migrations, Garuda, the Buzzard Leviathan, regularly disrupts the peace of the Peninsula in search of food. Throughout the ages, other Leviathans have ventured near the Peninsula's borders: Cingula, the flying centipede; Terat, the nightmarish vulture…


But the greatest setback caused by a Leviathan is the loss of the entire Province of Caer Oorun. This territory, located northeast of Asgartha, was one of the first to be inhabited by humanity. Initially, all agricultural resources were transported from there to the capital. But that was without counting on the Kraken. This Leviathan battled against Kaibara and gained the upper hand over the Peninsula's protector. The Asgarthans had to abandon Caer Oorun and erect the Rampart, a gigantic wall, to keep the Kraken out of the rest of the Peninsula. They know that to truly launch the Rediscovery Endeavor, they will have to triumph over the Squid Leviathan. This latter stands in their way, blocking access to the rest of the continent. The endeavor is far from guaranteed, despite the twenty-four years of preparation. Moreover, the Tumult has taken advantage of their absence to gradually erode the lost Province.

However, Kaibara tolerates certain other Leviathans on its territory. Two Lyra Clans have managed to live in symbiosis with two of them: Scarab, the Beetle Leviathan of Clan Iju, and Meander, the Serpent Leviathan of Clan Ventauri. The nomads have negotiated with the Whale Leviathan so that these two gargantuan creatures can continue to roam the Peninsula, in exchange for ensuring that they do not cause trouble within the Oasis. There is no doubt that other terrible Leviathans lurk within the Terra Incognita. While the Muna hope to find common ground with some of them, the Bravos prepare to confront them openly if they prove aggressive towards humanity.