The Legacy

November 20th, 2024
Reading time
392 AC
‘Continuity or deviation. These are now the choices facing the Asgarthans.’
Anuncia gazes toward the stage, narrowing her eyes to focus not just on the words her rival will use but on his posture, his diction, and the tone he employs. What strategy will he choose? Humility? Caution? Or arrogance?
Amaro places his hands on either side of the podium, as if seeking steadiness. He scans the audience deliberately, his gaze sweeping across the room. It’s a calculated pause, a silence designed to let his audience fill the void.
The amphitheater is nearly full. Of course, a few seats remain empty, as is customary. But with the looming elections, the entire political apparatus is in a frenzy. The Oratorium has seen a parade of speakers, some seeking attention, others trying to discern how they will be treated in the unfolding power play.
Gradually, the murmurs fade to silence. Amaro does not let the moment slip by.
‘Nearly a quarter of a century has been dedicated to the grand project of Avkan ruun-Heshkari. It is not my place to judge its merits or necessity. I was still young when it was proclaimed, and it has shaped the political and economic landscape for most of my life. Yet, as the Basileus so aptly stated in his inaugural address, it is now time to look toward the future. Undoubtedly, the launch of the Rediscovery Endeavor has implied a collective 'strain’. Our people made significant sacrifices, tightening their belts so this initiative could take flight. Enormous funds were invested, sometimes at the expense of other equally vital programs. I have lost count of the enterprises set aside—perhaps less glamorous, but no less essential—in education, healthcare, social justice…’
Humility, then. By emphasizing certain words or playing with silences, he ensures that all remain captivated. His speech is eloquent, his demeanor balancing confidence with emotion, grievance with gratitude.
Anuncia crosses her arms, her fingers tapping nervously against her biceps—a sign she is dissecting the speech of her future rival. It’s as if she’s tapping out the rhythm of his political score, already anticipating its movements. And there seems to be no discordant note.
‘He’s a skilled orator’, she finally remarks in a detached tone.
Beside her, Abenet scratches his beard, grimacing slightly.
‘Indeed. He belongs to the new generation of politicians seated at the Agora. One of Waru’s protégés, though thankfully more moderate than his mentor.’
Anuncia’s expression shifts to one of mild regret.
‘A shame. His political acumen is undeniable. Having him on our side would have been a tremendous asset.’
On the stage, Amaro has edged closer to his audience, ensuring to meet the gaze of every parliamentarian. His gestures are deliberate, his clenched fists and resolute expression reinforcing each of his words.
‘It is time to show the Asgarthans that they have always been, and will always remain, our priority. The hardships they have endured are neither forgotten nor taken lightly. Let me be clear, to all of you here: Asgartha must remain our absolute priority. Let me say it with conviction: the people of Asgartha must feel that we will not abandon them.’
‘What do you think?’, Abenet asks, curious about her analysis of their rival.
The young senator turns to him, as if pulled from deep thought.
‘Hmm? I’m not sure that falling into populism is the best approach. But if that’s the path he’s chosen…’
‘It’s a stance that will garner significant support. You realize that, don’t you, Anuncia? Amaro might very well be our main opponent.’
She knew that all too well. She had studied him from every angle. Amaro spared no expense ensuring his appearance exuded respectability, though his style remained understated and effective. His chestnut hair, styled in artfully casual waves, was meticulously combed back, and his neatly trimmed beard framed his disarming smile.
‘He’s certainly charismatic’, she muses.
‘Your challenge will be to convey to the people that the Rediscovery Endeavor was launched for their benefit, not to their detriment. Amaro won’t hesitate to attack that point.’
‘Then we’ll have to hope the Expeditionary Corps return with tangible results. The people’s trust is far from infinite.’
‘That’s the risk when we base an entire discourse on hope. It’s like building on quicksand. Hope erodes quickly if not followed by concrete results. Only time will tell whether our gamble pays off or falls flat.’
‘Two years. Maybe three. That’s the time we have to prove ourselves.’
Abenet raises an eyebrow.
‘Isn’t that a rather pessimistic view?’
‘I’m trying to be realistic.’
‘Caer Oorun’s reconquest was a significant first victory.’
‘You’re right about that. But it’s far from enough. The Kraken is nothing compared to everything the Tumult holds. That’s what we’ll have to face next.’
‘We’ve been preparing for a long time now’, he finally concedes. ‘Time will tell, I suppose.’
She nods, aware that they’re just speculating. But her analysis isn’t over. She needs to fully understand the young plenipotentiary, to form a mental picture of how he thinks, how he tackles problems—so she can anticipate his moves.
‘Who does he support?’, she suddenly asks.
‘Amaro? I’ve heard he’s still hesitating between Girsang and Muttunbaal.’
‘I hope he won’t align himself with Girsang.’
‘Muttunbaal might have more influence, but Girsang’s coffers run deep. Never underestimate the weight of money.’
‘A Floret is worth a thousand empty words?’
Abenet stifles a chuckle.
‘Spare me those absurd sayings, will you?’
She’s about to respond when, nearby, a councilor rises abruptly. Applause fills the chamber as Amaro steps down from the podium, greeted by at least a third of the assembly. That’s no small number. Sure, some claps are hesitant, but others are fervent, as though secretly wishing for the Rediscovery Endeavor to fail.
As he makes his way back to his seat among the assembly, Amaro locks eyes with Anuncia for a moment, just before shaking the hand of a colleague. That glance speaks volumes. He, too, has every reason to study her strategy and is undoubtedly attempting to decipher it without her noticing.
‘Before looking elsewhere, it’d be wise to consider who might succeed Avkan.’
‘Indeed, and it won’t be an easy task.’
‘Too conservative. Sure, she’ll follow Avkan’s principles to the letter, but we need someone adaptable, someone who can bend like the reed.’
‘Hadrian, then?’
‘His influence in the Assembly is minimal at best.’
‘It feels like no one has the stature to step out of Avkan’s shadow. That’s our biggest problem.’
‘Not quite. We already have a clear candidate…’
Abenet scrutinizes her. She frowns, puzzled.
‘Or should I say, a clear heir in mind?’
The young senator scoffs, pretending to dismiss it as a joke.
‘I’m too young. Many will see me as far too inexperienced.’
‘It all depends on the narrative we choose to tell. A young woman, born on the very day the Rediscovery Endeavor was proclaimed…’
‘I’m not sure symbolism should be the main argument here.’
‘No, you’re right. What we need is a chess player, a master tactician... someone who can see moves coming from leagues away. Like how you knew where I was going before you even stepped into the chamber.’
Anuncia allows herself a small smile.
‘I admit, the thought crossed my mind.’
‘Please. I know how you operate, kid’, he says with playful affection. ‘That’s exactly why I took you under my wing.’
‘Ha! And here I thought it was a favor my father asked of you.’
Abenet shakes his head.
‘There’s no hiding anything from you, is there? I suppose he wanted to ensure you wouldn’t run from your responsibilities.’
Anuncia’s expression hardens.
‘Like my brother, you mean?’
‘His prestige should serve to bolster your own. He’s out in the wilds; you’re here, at the heart of civilization. Together, you form a bridge between the Known World and the Terra Incognita…’
‘Is that wise? If he brings shame upon himself, I’ll be tainted as well.’
‘I’m only here to advise. It’s up to you to weigh the risks and spin your plans accordingly.’
He scratches his beard nonchalantly.
‘But I admit, it does have a certain ring to it, doesn’t it?’
‘What does?’
‘Anuncia ruun-Aysun, fourteenth Basilissa of Asgartha…’
Her eyes widen at his audacity, and he bursts out laughing in response.
‘Don’t make that face. Let old fools like me indulge in such grand declarations. It’s your generation’s duty to carry the flame. We’ll sit back on the sidelines. Not that it’ll stop us from commenting on what we see.’
She shakes her head, suppressing a smile.
‘I know exactly what’s expected of me. I was a bargaining chip, a token, when my father and Avkan negotiated Sig’s induction into the Expeditionary Corps.’
Her mentor’s features soften.
‘Playing the victim doesn’t suit you.’
‘Playing the victim?’
She suddenly grabs his arm, a hint of tenderness in the gesture.
‘Oh, Abe, don’t fool yourself. My brother’s defection is the best thing that ever happened to me.’
Anuncia pulls back the sheets and sits up in bed, unable to find sleep. She turns toward him, letting her fingers glide over the curve of his shoulder, along the slender arc between his shoulder blades. In the dim light of her chambers, she studies him as he sleeps—or pretends to sleep.
It is up to “you” now to carry the flame.
Her mind drifts back to Abenet’s words. Anuncia ruun-Aysun. He had invoked her mother’s name, likely to downplay her father’s lineage. And that resounding “you”... Was it merely a reference to her generation, or did it carry another meaning? Could he be in on the secret? Did he suspect something?
She knew she was but a pawn in Avkan’s schemes, but soon she would cease to be a puppet and become the puppeteer herself.
The preparation of the exploration forces had allowed the Basileus to arrange his succession with meticulous care. It was highly probable that the timing had been deliberate, giving him this strategic advantage.
In secret, he had nurtured Amaro Arundhani’s rise, turning him into an indispensable pillar of the New Exchequer. And as for her, the opportunity was too perfect to ignore. Her mother’s lineage, descended from Rune, had long distanced itself from politics. Through Anuncia, he intended to capitalize on that legacy to ensure the continuity of the Rediscovery Endeavor—using the unbridled ambition of her father as leverage the process.
On one side, a strong candidate from the opposition. On the other, a representative of the Old Nobility, aligned with the outgoing leader. Two factions with powerful backers, commanding nearly two-thirds of the political arena between them.
When they would announce their union, on the eve of the elections, the news would strike like thunder. Some would cheer, seeing it as a long-awaited gateway to the higher positions of the Asterion. Others would see it as a means to untangle the political strife that had sown discord for years.
Everyone would think they could benefit from it.
She sighs, trying to push these thoughts aside. She places her hand on Amaro’s back, feeling the steady beat of his heart under her palm. Yes, she had studied him from every angle, both in public arenas and in the intimacy of these stolen moments. She had done the same with their circumstances. Their alliance had the potential to bridge the chasm that had fractured the upper echelons. Their joining could even symbolize a renewed Concord, for that matter.
She wasn’t yet certain whether any kind of love bound them together, but that wasn’t the point. What she needed was support—an accomplice.
Anuncia watches him. The nape of his neck, the dark waves of his hair, the rhythm of his breathing... She watches him because it is just as important to know your adversaries as it is to know your allies.