Rules and Rulings Updates – November

November 15th, 2024
Reading time
We’d like to introduce with these first Rules and Rulings Updates a monthly communication on all Rulings & Clarification added to the details page of the cards.
When designing Altered, being able to access any card's detailed information was always a feature we felt would simplify the way people play and interact with the game. We're always on the lookout to improve player’s engagement with Altered, and listening to your questions and feedback about many of the following card interactions, we were able to answer with a list of Rulings & Clarification to add to each of them, easily accessible on each of their page.
The following article lists all the Rulings & Clarification that have been updated since the release of the game. Since this represent a significant amount of information, we are well aware that this isn’t meant to be remembered in its entirety by players. Rather, the purpose of this article is to act as a an exhaustive summary of any Rulings & Clarification that has been added to a card, that players and judges should be aware of. As such the information is displayed in alphabetical order for an easier search of the card that is of interest to you.
All these changes are now displayed on the details page of the cards listed below.
For our following Rules and Rulings Updates, we’ll communicate on the new Rulings & Clarification we’ve added since the last communication.
Next Rules and Rulings Update : January 6, 2025
Updates to the Comprehensive Rules
There are no updates to the comprehensive rules.
The latest version available is version 1.1 from October 1st, 2024 which can be downloaded here.
New Erratum
After listening to the community’s feedback and following our own observations of the recent tournament results, we’ve decided to modify Robin Hood’s ability as follows:
For more details as to how we came up with this decision and what it implies for the game, read our article on the Robin Hood erratum.
Added Card Rulings
A Cappella Training | Lyra | Common
Q: Can I play a Spell if there's no valid target?
A: Yes. Note that your Characters are valid targets for this Spell.
Achilles | Bravos | Common
Q: Does Tough protect Achilles from Sabotage?
A: No. Unless stated otherwise, Cards in Reserve have no effect, save their Support Ability (in the colored box).
Q: If the Tough Character of my opponent is the only possible target of my Spell of ability, do I have to pay extra mana?
A: No. If you choose to pay extra Mana, the Tough Character becomes a valid target. If you choose not to, and there's no valid target, the effect might do nothing. Don't forget that Characters you control may be valid targets: if you choose not to pay the extra mana (or if you can't), you may have to target them!
Ada Lovelace | Axiom | Common
Q: If Ada Lovelace places a card in Reserve such as Coppelia, is Coppelia played for free, even though that would mean two cards are played in the same turn?
A: Yes. (1 card per turn is a rule of thumb, specific effects can cause exceptions.)
All In! | Lyra | Common
Q: Can I first check the result of the die, then pick a target?
A: Yes.
Anubis | Ordis | Common
Q: Who chooses first the Character to sacrifice?
A: When a single effect requires every player to choose something at the same moment, the controller of the effect chooses first, then follow turn order.
Q: Can I play Anubis if I have no Characters in my Expeditions?
A: Yes, but you will sacrifice Anubis.
Atlas | Bravos | Common
Q: What happens if a Gigantic Character is played during the tiebreaker?
A: Its statistics are counted twice: once for the Hero Expedition, once for the Companion Expedition.
Auraq & Kibble | Lyra | Hero**
Q: Do the {J) and {R} abilities of the card played by Auraq activate?
A: Cards played from the top of the deck activate their {J} abilities (not the abilities from Hand nor Reserve).
Q: If an effect, such as Robin Hood, increases the cost of my cards, do I need to pay mana when I play them via Auraq & Kibble's effect?
A: A free card remains free! Playing a card for free means bypassing its cost entirely, which is different from reducing it to zero.
Brassbug Hive | Axiom | Rare
Q: Does the first Brassbug created by the card benefits from the boost?
A: Yes. First you play the card, then you resolve reactions to playing the card, so the other effect is already active when the {J} effect takes place.
Q: If a Robot switches Expedition (because of an effect such as Hooked! or Ride the Bifröst, can the Brassbug Hive boost it again?
A: No. "joins your Expeditions" means joins the set of [your Hero Expedition + your Companion Expedition]. Switching inside the set won't count as joining it again.
Brassbug Hub | Axiom | Common
Q: What happens to the counters when the card leaves the Landmark zone?
A: All counters disappear, whether the card is sent to Reserve, hand, deck, or discard.
Bravos Vanguard | Bravos | Rare
Q: Can Bravos Vanguard (Rare) target a Non-Fleeting Character to give it one boost?
A: Yes.
Celebration Day | Ordis | Common
Q: Does Celebration Day prevent an Expedition from moving through special effects such as Small Step, Giant Leap?
A: In general, if an effect tells you to do something and another tells you that you cannot, the negative effect wins. Small Step, Giant Leap has no effect on an Expedition that has been blocked by Celebration Day.
Celestial Blast | Yzmir | Common
Q: What happens if I use Celestial Blast against Tough Characters or Permanent?
A: You pay extra mana for each Tough target.
Coppélia | Axiom | Common
Q: If my opponent controls a card such as Robin Hood that affects the cost of Characters when Coppélia is supposed to be played "for free", will I need to pay mana?
A: Coppelia is played for free! Playing a card for free means bypassing its cost entirely, which is different from reducing it to zero.
Q: Does Coppelia gain Fleeting when played for free via her effect?
A: Yes, unless something else prevents it, a card played for free follows the other rules, such as becoming Fleeting when played from Reserve.
Q: If Coppelia is played for free thanks to a Quick Action, such as the power of Treyst & Rossum, does it end the turn?
A: No. If the resolution of Quick Action includes playing a card, the turn continues normally.
Dorothy Gale | Yzmir | Common
Q: What happens if I use Dorothy to target a Tough Character?
A: You either pay extra Mana, target another Character, or don't use her power.
Dr. Frankenstein | Axiom | Common
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of this card said : "You may activate the {j} triggers of target Permanent you control." Future printings will say "You may activate the {j} abilities of target Permanent you control."
Foundry Engineer | Axiom | Common
Q: If a card that has an effect over the next card played "this Afternoon", such as Foundry Engineer, is somehow played outside of the Afternoon, what happens?
A: "This Afternoon" refers to the Afternoon of the current day, so there are two possibilities : 1. The card is played before, such as during Noon, in which case it will apply to the next corresponding card of the Afternoon. 2. The card is played after, such as during Dusk or Night, in which case it won't have any effect.
Foundry Engineer | Axiom | Rare
Q: If a card that has an effect over the next card played "this Afternoon", such as Foundry Engineer, is somehow played outside of the Afternoon, what happens?
A: "This Afternoon" refers to the Afternoon of the current day, so there are two possibilities : 1. The card is played before, such as during Noon, in which case it will apply to the next corresponding card of the Afternoon. 2. The card is played after, such as during Dusk or Night, in which case it won't have any effect.
Ganesha | Axiom | Common
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of this card said "For each Permanent you control, you may activate its {j} triggers". Future printings will say "For each Permanent you control, you may activate its {j} abilities."
Ganesha F | Muna | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of this card said "For each Permanent you control, you may activate its {j} triggers". Future printings will say "For each Permanent you control, you may activate its {j} abilities."
Q: How does Ganesha interacts with The Council?
A: In general, if an effect tells you to do something and another tells you that you cannot, the negative effect wins. If Ganesha is played facing The Council, it doesn't have any special effect. If it is played facing the other Expedition, it still cannot activate the triggers of Characters facing The Council.
Grand Endeavor | Ordis | Common
Q: What is the effect of Grand Endeavor in the Arena?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant.
Gulrang & Tocsin | Ordis | Hero
Q: What happens if my tokens are Defender during a tie-breaker?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant. Therefore Defender isn't a drawback anymore.
Helping Hand | Bravos | Common
Q: Can I play Helping Hand on a non-Fleeting Character?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I play a Spell if there's no valid target?
A: Yes. Note that your opponent Characters are valid targets for this Spell.
Inari F | Axiom | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of (Axiom) Inari had the Support Ability "{D} : Activate the {j} triggers of target Permanent you control. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.)" Future printings will read "{D} : Activate the {j} abilities of target Permanent you control. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.)"
Intimidation | Bravos | Common
Q: Can I target a token with Intimidation?
A: Yes! You could consider token Characters as having a cost of 0. However, note that they will be removed from the game upon leaving the Expedition zone, so their controller won't keep them in hand.
Issitoq | Ordis | Common
Q: What happens if Issitoq is played during a tiebreaker day?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant, and Issitoq doesn't block anything.
Issun-bōshi | Bravos | Common
Q: If I discard Issun-bōshi for its Support Ability, then play a Character, when is the boost placed on the Character?
A: After the card has joined the Expedition (it can therefore trigger effects such as 'When I gain 1 or more boosts — ")
Jeanne d'Arc | Ordis | Common
Q: What happens if Jeanne d'Arc moves from an Expedition to another, because of Hooked for example?
A: Nothing special! The Expedition zone includes all the expeditions from all players, so Jeanne d'Arc does not leave the Expedition zone.
Jian, Assembly Overseer F | Ordis | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of (Ordis) Jian, Assembly Overseer had the Support Ability "{D} : Activate the {j} triggers of target Permanent you control. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.)" Future printings will read "{D} : Activate the {j} abilities of target Permanent you control. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.)"
Jian, Assembly Overseer | Axiom | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of (Rare) Jian, Assembly Overseer had the Support Ability "{D} : Activate the {j} triggers of target Permanent you control. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.)" Future printings will read "{D} : Activate the {j} abilities of target Permanent you control. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.)"
Kaibara, Asgarthan Leviathan | Bravos | Common
Q: What happens if a Gigantic Character is played during the tiebreaker?
A: Its statistics are counted twice: once for the Hero Expedition, once for the Companion Expedition.
Kelon Cylinder | Axiom | Common
Q: What happens to the Kelon counters if the card is sent to hand or deck?
A: All counters disappear when a card is sent to discard or to a hidden zone.
Kelon Elemental | Axiom | Common
Q: Can I play Kelon Elemental if I have no other card in hand?
A: Yes. You always resolve the effects "as much as you can".
Kojo & Booda | Bravos | Hero
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of Kojo & Booda said "At Noon, if you are the first player — Create a 2/2/2 Booda Companion token in your Companion Expedition." Future printings will say: "At Noon — If you are the first player, create a 2/2/2 Booda Companion token in your Companion Expedition."
Kraken's Wrath | Yzmir | Common
Q: What happens if I use Kraken's Wrath against Characters with Tough?
A: You pay extra mana for each Character with Tough.
Lyra Cloth Dancer | Lyra | Common
Q: What happens if I play Lyra Cloth Dancer (Common) when my opponent has a Tough Character?
A: You either pay extra Mana, target another Character, or target no Character at all.
Lyra Cloth Dancer | Lyra | Rare
Q: What happens if I play Lyra Cloth Dancer (Rare) when my opponent has a Tough Character?
A: If you target your opponent, all its Character gain Fleeting, for no extra cost. This version of the card targets the player, not their Characters.
Lyra Festival | Lyra | Common
Q: What happens if two players meet the victory conditions of Lyra Festival the same Dusk?
A: The player that's earlier in turn order wins: all At Dusk effects go simultaneously in the pool of effects (Limbo) at the beginning of the Dusk phase. Then in turn order, each player resolves all their effects.
Q: When do we check the resolution of Lyra Festival?
A: At Dusk effects are triggered at the beginning of the Dusk phase, before progression. Note that the check for three Characters satisfying the criteria happens upon triggering, at the beginning of Dusk (it's before the — ), not upon resolution. Other "At Dusk" effects cannot change the result for this Day.
Lyra Festival | Lyra | Rare
Q: What happens if two players meet the victory conditions of Lyra Festival the same Dusk?
A: The player that's earlier in turn order wins: all At Dusk effects go simultaneously in the pool of effects (Limbo) at the beginning of the Dusk phase. Then in turn order, each player resolves all their effects.
Lyra Festival F | Muna | Rare
Q: What happens if two players meet the victory conditions of Lyra Festival the same Dusk?
A: The player that's earlier in turn order wins: all At Dusk effects go simultaneously in the pool of effects (Limbo) at the beginning of the Dusk phase. Then in turn order, each player resolves all their effects.
Mana Convergence | Neutral | Token
Q: Can I choose Mana Convergence if an effect asks me to discard a card or to put it in Reserve?
A: Yes.
Q: What happens if a Mana Convergence somehow ends up in Reserve?
A: Nothing special. It cannot be played, but can still be discarded during Clean-Up of through another effect.
Mana Reaping | Muna | Common
Q: Can I target a token Character with Mana Reaping?
A: Yes! Note that they will be removed from the game when leaving the Expedition zone, so their controller won't gain a Mana Orb.
Maw | Yzmir | Token
Q: What happens if Maw leaves the Expedition zone?
A: It's removed from the game, like any other token.
Q: If I sacrifice two Characters simultaneously, for example with The Kraken, what happens to Maw?
A: Maw gains 4 Boosts.
Mechanical Training | Axiom | Common
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of this card said "Activate the {j} triggers of target Permanent you control". Future versions will say "Activate the {j} abilities of target Permanent you control."
Mechanical Training F | Muna | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of this card said "Activate the {j} triggers of target Character you control". Future versions will say "Activate the {j} Character of target Permanent you control."
Mighty Jinn | Bravos | Common
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of Mighty Jinn said "When I leave the Expedition zone — You may put me in my owner's Mana zone (as an exhausted Mana Orb)." Future printings will say: "If I would leave the Expedition zone, you may put me in my owner's Mana zone instead (as an exhausted Mana Orb)."
Q: What happens if Mighty Jinn is the target of a card that sends it to a player's hand or deck?
A: The controller of Mighty Jinn still has the option of sending it to their Mana zone.
Mighty Jinn | Bravos | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of Mighty Jinn said "When I leave the Expedition zone — You may put me in my owner's Mana zone (as an exhausted Mana Orb)." Future printings will say: "If I would leave the Expedition zone, you may put me in my owner's Mana zone instead (as an exhausted Mana Orb)."
Q: If my (Rare) Mighty Jinn is sent to the Mana Zone by another effect (such as Mana Reaping), can I choose to draw a card?
A: Yes! You may choose not to use Mighty Jinn's ability and therefore draw the card (it will still go to your Mana Zone because of Mana Reaping).
Mind Apotheosis | Lyra | Common
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of Mind Apotheosis said "(Don't activate any {h} triggers.)". Future printings will say "(Don't activate any {h} abilities.)"
Q: Do the {j) and {r} abilities of the Characters put in play by Mind Apotheosis activate?
A: The arrow {j} means "When I enter the Expedition zone or Landmark zone" (the player aids in starter decks simplify this into "When I'm played from anywhere"). In the case of Mind Apotheosis, cards are not played but put in the Expedition, but they do trigger their {j} abilities.
Q: What does "put in the Expedition" means?
A: It means the cards are not considered "played" and therefore won't trigger effects such as "Atsadi & Surge" or "Auraq & Kibble".
Monolith Archivist | Ordis | Common
Q: What happens if Monolith Archivist is played in the Arena (during a tie-breaker)?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant. Therefore Defender isn't a drawback anymore.
Monolith Legate | Ordis | Common
Q: What does "after Rest" mean?
A: "After Rest" means after Characters have returned to Reserve, but before the Clean-Up when players choose which cards to keep in their Reserve and Landmarks zone.
Q: What is the effect of Monolith Legate during a tie-breaker round in the Arena?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. An Expedition cannot "fail to move forward" in the Arena, any such effect becomes irrelevant.
Moonlight Jellyfish | Yzmir | Common
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of Moonlight Jellyfish read: "When I'm sacrificed, if I'm not [FLEETING] — Put me in Reserve." Future printings will read: "When I'm sacrificed, if I was not [FLEETING] — Put me in Reserve."
Q: In which order does the effect of Moonlight Jellyfish resolves when it's sacrificed?
A: 1. The controller of Moonlight Jellyfish declares they sacrifice it. 2. Moonlight Jellyfish reaction is triggered, depending on whether it's Fleeting or not. 3. Moonlight Jellyfish goes to discard. 4. After the effect that sacrificed it is resolved, Moonlight Jellyfish reaction (or any other reactions still in Limbo at that moment) can be resolved.
Nevenka & Blotch | Lyra | Hero
Q: Can I target a Character in my Reserve?
A: No. Characters in Reserve are not controlled.
Q: What kind of dice should I use ?
A: A (balanced) six-sided die. "On a 6+" is there because some cards, such as the rare version Martengale, allow you to increase the result of the die, possibly beyond 6.
Off you go! | Yzmir | Common
Q: Can I play a Spell if there's no valid target?
A: Yes. Note that your Characters may be valid targets for this Spell.
Ogun | Axiom | Common
Q: Does Ogun boost the Robots in Reserve?
A: No: Characters in Reserve are not "controlled".
Ordis Attorney | Ordis | Common
Q: What happens during tie-breaker if Ordis Attorney is in my Expedition, but neither player wins and there's a second tiebreaker Day?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions don't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant. The Expedition of Ordis Attorney cannot "fail to move forward" so it has no effect.
Ordis Recruit | Ordis | Common
Q: What are the differences between the two Ordis Recruits?
A: The difference is only in the gender of the Character and the illustration, and has no game effect. In German for example, cards that mention "Ordis Rekrut" can create "Ordis Rekrutin" instead.
Ouroboros Inkcaster | Lyra | Common
Q: When 2 Ouroboros Inkcaster go to Reserve at the same time, can they send each other back to hand?
A: Yes: their effects are triggered as they leave the Expedition zone (before the —), but the output is resolved once they've arrived in Reserve. You resolve them in the order of your choice, but the effect of the first Inkcaster to return to hand is still pending, despite the card not being in the Expedition at that time.
Ouroboros Inkcaster F | Axiom | Rare
Q: When 2 Ouroboros Inkcaster go to Reserve at the same time, can they send each other back to hand?
A: Yes: their effects are triggered as they leave the Expedition zone, but the output (after the —) is resolved once they've arrived in Reserve. You resolve them in the order of your choice, and the effect of the first Inkcaster to return to hand is still pending, despite the card not being in the Expedition at that time.
Paint Prison | Lyra | Common
Q: Can I target a token Character with Paint Prison?
A: Yes! However, note that they will be removed from the game when leaving the Expedition zone, so their controller won't keep them on their deck.
Quetzalcoatl | Ordis | Common
Q: Do I create tokens with Quetzalcoatl for the morning drawing of cards of my opponents?
A: If Quetzalcoatl is in your Expeditions (because it was Asleep or Anchored for example), you create a token for each opponent that draws during Morning.
Q: Do I create one or two tokens with Quetzalcoatl if my opponent Resupplies twice, for example thanks to the rare version of Harvest?
A: As of this ruling, there is no possible way to Resupply two cards simultaneously. If your opponent Resupplies twice, he's first drawing the first card, then the second, which means you'll create two tokens.
Red | Bravos | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of Red (Rare) said : "[SEASONED]. At Dusk, if I have 3 or more boosts — Draw a card." Future printings will say: "[SEASONED]. At Dusk — If I have 3 or more boosts, draw a card."
Q: Can I draw a card thanks to Red (Rare) ability if she gains her 3rd boost at Dusk, thanks to another effect?
A: Yes. Red effect should read "At Dusk — If I have 3 or more boosts, draw a card." indicating that the check of the number of boosts is happening when her effect is resolved, not when it's triggered.
Rin & Orchid | Muna | Hero
Q: If my Hero and Companion Expedition both move forward due to {V}, what happens?
A: You draw a card, put a card in Reserve, then you draw a 2nd card and put a 2nd card in Reserve. (Your Expeditions progress simultaneously, and you then resolve the effects in the order of your choice.)
Q: If I move forward due to winning in {V} and {M} statistics, does it activate the effect of Rin & Orchid?
A: Yes! You move forward due to every statistic where you have more than your opponent, if you were in that Region type.
Robin Hood | Ordis | Common
Q: What happens if a player plays a Character for free, such as with Auraq & Kibble's effect, while their opponent controls Robin Hood?
A: A free card remains free even against Robin Hood! Playing a card for free means bypassing its cost entirely, which is different from reducing it to zero.
Q: If I control Robin Hood, can my opponent reduce the cost of a card using an effect such as Martengale?
A: They can, but if this would bring the card cost under 2, the cost would remain 2.
Q: Was this card updated ?
A: Yes. The first printing of Robin Hood said "Characters your opponents play cost {1} more." Future printings will say "Characters your opponents play can't cost less than {2}. (If they would cost less, they cost {2} instead.)" This change impacts all versions of this effect, including the ones found on unique cards. Any card that uses the previous wording should be read as if it used the new one.
Robin Hood | Ordis | Rare
Q: Was this card updated ?
A: Yes. The first printing of Rare Robin Hood said "Cards your opponents play cost {1} more." Future printings will say "Cards your opponents play can't cost less than {2}. (If they would cost less, they cost {2} instead.)" This change impacts all versions of this effect, including the ones found on unique cards. Any card that uses the previous wording should be read as if it used the new one.
Sakarabru | Yzmir | Common
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of Sakarabru said "Your opponent's Expedition facing mine moves backwards one region." Future printings will say "Your opponent's Expedition facing me moves backwards one region."
Q: What happens if Sakarabru is played during the tiebreaker?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant.
Small Step, Giant Leap | Yzmir | Common
Q: What happens if Small Step, Giant Leap is played during the tiebreaker?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant.
Q: If I play Small Step, Giant Leap while my Expeditions are adjacent, do I win immediately?
A: As soon as the effect has fully resolved, yes.
Q: Can Celebration Day stop Small Step, Giant Leap?
A: Yes. In general, if an effect tells you to do something and another tells you that you cannot, the negative effect wins. Celebration Day prevents your Expedition from moving forward during the Day. If Small Step, Giant Leap is played on that Expedition during that Day, it will have no effect.
Son of Yggdrasil | Muna | Common
Q: What happens if a Gigantic Character is played during the tiebreaker?
A: Its statistics are counted twice: once for the Hero Expedition, once for the Companion Expedition.
Spindle Harvesters | Muna | Rare
Q: If a player controls a Rare Spindle Harvesters and a Rare The Spindle, Muna Bastion, can they first boost the Spindle Harvester, then benefit from that extra boost to draw a card?
A: Yes! At Noon, all effects that say "At Noon" are triggered, then are resolved in the order of their controller's choice. When a player resolves Spindle Harvesters, they check everything on the right side of the " — ". If Spindle Harvesters has two boosts at that moment, its controller draws a card).
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of (Rare) Spindle Harvesters said ""{J} I gain [ANCHORED]. At Noon, if I have 2 or more boosts — [RESUPPLY]." Future printings will say "{J} I gain [ANCHORED]. At Noon — If I have 2 or more boosts, [RESUPPLY]."
Teija & Nauraa | Muna | Hero
Q: When is Teija & Nauraa's boost placed on the Character?
A: After the card has joined the Expedition (it can therefore trigger effects such as 'When I gain 1 or more boosts — ")
The Council | Ordis | Common
Q: How does the Foundry, Axiom Bastion interacts with The Council?
A: When an effect says you can do something and another effect says you cannot, the one who says "you can't" applies. So if a Character is played facing The Council, none of its {j}, {m} or {r} abilities activate, with or without the Foundry, Axiom Bastion.
Q: How does Ganesha interacts with the Council?
A: Ganesha has no effect if he's played facing The Council. If he's played in a different Expedition, it still cannot trigger a Character facing The Council : when an effect says you can do something and another effect says you cannot, the one who says "you can't" applies.
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of The Council said "The {j}, {h} and {r} triggers of Characters facing me don't activate." Future printings will say "The {j}, {h} and {r} abilities of Characters facing me can't activate."
The Foundry, Axiom Bastion | Axiom | Common
Q: How does the Foundry, Axiom Bastion interacts with The Council?
A: In general, if an effect tells you to do something and another tells you that you cannot, the negative effect wins. The Foundry has no effect on Characters played in front of The Council.
Q: If I have several copies of The Foundry, can I activate the {r} effect of a Character multiple times?
A: No (But you can activate the effects of different Characters on different turns).
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of The Foundry, Axiom Bastion said "{T} : Activate the {r} triggers of the next Character you play from your hand this turn." Future printings will say: "{T} : The next Character you play from your hand this turn activates its {r} abilities (as if it had been played from Reserve)."
The Foundry, Axiom Bastion | Axiom | Rare
Q: Did the wording of this card change?
A: The first printing of The Foundry, Axiom Bastion said "{T} : Activate the {r} triggers of the next Character you play from your hand this turn." Future printings will say: "{T} : The next Character you play from your hand this turn activates its {r} abilities (as if it had been played from Reserve)."
The Kadigir, Yzmir Bastion | Yzmir | Common
Q: What happens if I use The Kadigir to cast a Spell such as Off You Go! or Kraken's Wrath on a Tough target?
A: You cast it for free!
Q: What happens I play a card for free with The Kadigir, Yzmir Bastion, while my opponent controls a card that increases the cost of my Spells, such as the Rare version of Robin Hood?
A: A free card remains free! Playing a Spell for free means bypassing its cost entirely, which is different from reducing it to zero.
The Kraken | Yzmir | Common
Q: What happens if the Kraken is played during the tiebreaker?
A: Its statistics are counted twice: once for the Hero Expedition, once for the Companion Expedition. In addition, the Arena is now only {O} so statistics in {M} or {V} won't help.
Q: What happens if two different effects change the Region type of a Region?
A: If several effects change a Region type, the last one to be played takes precedence. If that effect stopped applying (for example if the Kraken was the last card played and is removed from the Expedition zone), it reverts to the previous state.
Q: Can I play the Kraken if I have no Characters in my Expeditions?
A: Yes, but you will sacrifice the Kraken.
The Monolith, Ordis Bastion | Ordis | Common
Q: What happens if a Character moves from Hero expedition to Companion Expedition, or vice-versa?
A: Nothing special, since it was already in your Expeditions.
Q: Does (Common) The Monolith affect Character tokens?
A: Yes.
The Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion | Lyra | Common
Q: What happens if I have two The Ourobouros, Lyra Bastion in play when I roll a die?
A: Roll three dice, then pick the one you'd like to keep.
The Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion | Axiom | Rare
Q: Do I get to choose which card I Resupply when I play the Axiom version of Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion?
A: Yes. First you play the card, then its {j} abilities activate, so the other effect is already active when the {j} effect takes place.
Q: Does the replacement effect of (Axiom) The Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion count as Resupply for effects such as Quetzalcoatl?
A: No. Note that it doesn't count as drawing cards either.
The Spindle, Muna Bastion | Muna | Common
Q: What happens if a card gets Tough from different sources?
A: The effects stack! If you have 2 The Spindle, Muna Bastion in your Landmarks, your cards have Tough 4.
Thoth | Ordis | Common
Q: What happens during tie-breaker if Thoth is in my Expedition, but neither player wins and there's a second tiebreaker Day?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions don't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant. They cannot "fail to move forward" either.
Q: What does "after Rest" mean?
A: "After Rest" means after Characters have returned to Reserve, but before the Clean-Up when players choose which cards to keep in their Reserve and Landmarks zone.
Tiny Jinn | Bravos | Common
Q: If a boosted Tiny Jinn is sent to the Hand or Deck of its controller via an effect such as "Prison Paint" or "Intimidation", is it put in Mana instead?
A: Yes!
Q: Did the wording of this card change?:
A: The first printing of Tiny Jinn said "When I leave the Expedition zone, if I'm [BOOSTED] — Put me in my owner's Mana zone (as an exhausted Mana Orb). {R} I gain 1 boost." Future printings will say: "If I would leave the Expedition zone while I'm [BOOSTED], put me in my owner's Mana zone instead (as an exhausted Mana Orb). {R} I gain 1 boost."
Treyst & Rossum | Axiom | Hero
Q: If a token is sent to Treyst & Rossum's controller's Reserve during the Afternoon, does Treyst gain a counter as the token is removed from the game?
A: No. The tokens do leave the Expedition zone and enter the Reserve (or discard pile if they were Fleeting), but being removed from the game does not qualify as "leaving the Reserve".
Twinkle Twinkle | Lyra | Common**
Q: Can I play a Spell if there's no valid target?
A: Yes. Note that your Characters are valid targets for this Spell.
Verdantback | Muna | Common
Q: What happens if Verdantback is played in the Arena (during a tie-breaker)?
A: In the Arena, Expeditions can't move forward nor backwards since there's only one Region. Any such effect becomes irrelevant. Therefore Defender isn't a drawback anymore.
Waru & Mack | Ordis | Hero
Q: If I have two Bureaucrats in my Expeditions at Noon, do I get several Ordis Recruits?
A: No.
Yong-Su, Verdant Weaver F | Lyra | Rare
Q: If "Yong-Su, Verdant Weaver's" controller has a Character in Reserve with base statistics of zero, do they count towards Yong Su's effect?
A: No. Cards in Reserve are not "controlled".