Rules and Rulings Updates – March 2025

March 4th, 2025
Reading time
The following article lists all Comprehensive Rules changes as well as Rulings & Clarification that have been updated since the last communication on January 8, 2024.
All these changes are now displayed on the details page of the cards listed below.
Updates to the interface
With the introduction in the last Season Patch of the Suspended card status, we’ve made a few updates to the way cards and ruling & clarifications specifically are displayed. From now on, you’ll be able to find the following icons when navigating the website and the app to let you know of a card’s status at a glance.
Suspended cards
Cards that are currently suspended will now display the hourglass icon on their image and detail page. Clicking on this icon in the card’s detail tab will take you to the corresponding ruling.
Errated cards
Cards that have been errated will now display the brush icon on their detail page. Clicking on this icon in the card’s detail tab will take you to the corresponding ruling.
To clarify rules and interactions, some texts may need to be improved or corrected. To avoid cluttering the interface or causing confusion, minor changes that do not affect gameplay, although they change the text of the cards, will not be displayed in the same way as major errata.
[Errata de Dr Frankenstein]
These changes however will always be available in the Rulings & Clarification section of a card and communicated in the Rules and Rulings Updates articles.
All clarifications are now clearly defined from all other rulings by the interrogation mark icon.
Updates to the Comprehensive Rules
Effective date
The version 2.1 of the Comprehensive Rules is effective starting March 4, 2025. This new version is available here.
Changes have been made to subsections 4.2.4.b Dusk, 4.3.g Ending the game, 7.1.2 Terrains and statistics, 7.3.1 Activates, 7.3.2 After you and 7.3.3.b Create.
4.2.4.b Dusk
Updated (wording)
- 4.2.4.b Progress Determine the statistics of each Expedition by adding, for each terrain, the statistics of each Character in that Expedition. If an Expedition has a greater positive statistic in a terrain of its region than the corresponding statistic of the Expedition facing it, it moves forward.
4.3.g Ending the game
Updated (wording and clarification)
4.3.g The Progress daily effect of Dusk is modified as follows:
- Determine the statistics of each Expeditions by adding, for each terrain, the statistics of all Character in that Expedition.
- Each player determines a single set of statistics by adding, for each terrain, the statistics of all their Expeditions.
- Compare each statistic individually.
- If a player has more of the Arena’s terrains with a greater (positive) statistic than their opponent, they win. Otherwise, the game continues.
7.1.2 Terrains and statistics
7.1.2.a A terrain is a sub-type of a region.
Remark. In previous versions of this document, as well as on older printings of some cards, terrains are called “region types”.
7.1.2.b A statistic is the influence of a Character in a given terrain.
7.3.1 Activates
Updated (wording)
7.3.1.d If an ability of an object activates a Reaction of another object, the Reaction is created by the second object, not the first.
Example. Brassbug Hub has the Reaction “{J} I gain three Kelon counters” and Dr. Frankenstein has the Reaction “{R} You may activate the {J} abilities of target Permanent you control”. If Brassbug Hub is chosen as the target Dr. Frankenstein’s Reaction, Brassbug Hub gains three Kelon counters, not Dr. Frankenstein.
7.3.2 After you
Updated (wording)
7.3.1.e Some abilities say that [a trigger] “cannot activate”. Reactions containing this trigger cannot activate, either naturally or through another effect that would activate them.
Example. The Council has the ability “The {J}, {H}, and {R} triggers of Characters facing me don’t activate and Hua Mulan has the ability “{R} I lose Fleeting.”. If Hua Mulan is played from Reserve in the Expedition facing The Council, it does not lose Fleeting.
7.3.3.b Create
Updated (wording)
7.3.3.b Costs and effects that create tokens use the following template: “create a [name] [x/y/z] [sub-types] token with [abilities] in [expedition]”.
Example. Open the Gates (common) has the ability “Create two Ordis Recruit 1/1/1 Soldier tokens in each of your Expeditions”. When Open the Games resolves, four tokens are created. They all have the name “Ordis Recruit”, the type “Character”, the sub-type “Soldier”, all three statistics equal to 1, and no abilities.
Added Card Rulings
The information below is displayed by card name in alphabetical order.
Akhlut | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If Akhlut gains several boosts at once, through Physical Training for example, what happens?
A: If an effect says "Target Character gains X boosts", this would only activate "When I gain 1 or more boosts —" effects once.
Q: If Akhlut gains several boosts during the same turn, but due to different effects (or several activation of the same effect), what happens?
A: If different effects (or different activations of the same effect) give a Character 1 boost, it can activate "When I gain 1 or more boosts —" effects several times, even if they happen during the same turn. For example, if Akhlut is played from Reserve, gains 1 boost due to its own effect, and its controller uses "Basira & Kaizamon" ability to give Akhlut another boost, they can then exhaust 2 cards in Reserve.
Athena | Ordis | Rare
Q: Are Characters in my Reserve "controlled"?
A: No. Cards in Reserve are not controlled.
Athena | Axiom | Rare
Q: Are Permanents in my Reserve "controlled"?
A: No. Cards in Reserve are not controlled.
Boom! | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: Can I sacrifice a Character from my Reserve or my hand ?
A: No. "Sacrifice a Character" means "you must discard a Character you control." You only control Characters in your Expeditions.
Chiron | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: Can I target Chiron with its own ability?
A: Yes. A card that cannot target itself would say "target another Character" or "target Character other than me".
Eat Me Energy Bars | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If my Gigantic Character has an effect referring to "my Expedition", what does it mean?
A: You should read such an effect as if it said "your Expeditions". For example : - a Defender Character will prevent both of your Expeditions from moving forward. - a condition that says "my Expedition is behind" will require both of your Expeditions to be behind. - an effect that says "create two tokens in my Expedition" will still create two tokens, but you can distribute them as you want among your Expeditions.
Q: If there's an "Eat Me Energy Bars" card in both of my Expeditions, and one Character in each, what happens?
A: The first "Eat Me Energy Bars" you played will turn the Character in its Expedition Gigantic. This Character will be considered present in both Expeditions, therefore the other Character will not be alone in its Expedition, preventing the other "Eat Me Energy Bars" from granting it Gigantic. (A previous version of this ruling stated that the first Character played gained Gigantic instead of the one with the first "Eat Me Energy Bars", this is no longer the case.)
Q: If a Gigantic Character has an effect referring to "my region", what happens?
A: Read such an effect as if it said "the regions I'm in". For example, a Gigantic Persephone will turn both its regions into {V}.
Q: If a Gigantic Character has an effect with the condition "If I'm in {V}", what happens?
A: A Gigantic Character is in {V} if at least one of its regions is {V}.
Ebenezer Scrooge | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If I control the Rare, Ordis version of Ebenezer Scrooge, does it also affect cards played from my Reserve?
A: Yes. "in Reserve" includes your Reserve and any other players Reserve.
Icebound Hollow | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If another effect, such as The Ourobouros, Lyra Bastion (Axiom version), allows me to reveal a card from the top of my deck and to decide to put it in my Reserve, would my Icebound Hollow gain a Trial counter?
A: Yes. A card "revealed" from the top of the deck is considered still in the deck.
Q: If I cast a Spell, does it count as "going from hand to Reserve" for effects such as Icebound Hollow?
A: No. (A Spell is first resolved in a virtual "resolution zone" called Limbo before going to Reserve or discard.)
Icebound Lake | All factions | Rare
Q: If a Character I control switches Expedition, and ends up in an Expedition that's behind, do I gain a Trial counter?
A: No. The first printing of Icebound Lake said "When a non-token Character joins one of your Expeditions, if it's behind — I gain a Trial counter. When I gain my third Trial counter — Sacrifice me. If you do, create a [DRAGON_SHADE] Illusion token in target Expedition, then target Character gains [ASLEEP].". Future printings will say "When you play a Character — If its Expedition is behind, I gain 1 Trial counter. When I gain my third Trial counter — Sacrifice me. If you do, create a [DRAGON_SHADE] Illusion token in target Expedition, then target Character gains [ASLEEP]."
Q: If I create a token in an Expedition that's behind, do I gain 1 Trial counter?
A: No. You do not play a token, you play a card (or activate an ability) that creates them.
Icebound Taiga | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If my Expedition is in a non-{V} region but I play a Character in it that turns it into {V}, such as Persephone, does my Icebound Taiga gain a Trial counter?
A: Yes. The wording of Icebound Taiga will be updated in future printings to clarify it.
Icebound Tundra | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If I play a Character in a region where two or more of its base statistics are zero (such as an Ouroubouros Trickster), how many counters does my Icebound Tundra gain ?
A: Icebound Tundra only gains 1 counter per Character played.
Q: If I play a Character with an ability that removes the Mountain terrain and a base stat of 0 in Mountain in a Mountain region , such as the Kraken or the Rare version of Persephone, does my Icebound Tundra gain a Trial counter?
A: No. Icebound Tundra will be updated in future printings to clarify it, previous wordings said : When you play a Character in a region type where its base statistic is 0 — I gain a Trial counter. Future printings will read : When you play a Character — If it's in a terrain where its base statistic is 0, I gain 1 Trial counter. (The condition being after the — indicates that you check it at resolution).
Lost in the Woods | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: Can I choose a mode even if there's no legal target?
A: Yes. Note that your Characters or Permanents may be valid targets for this Spell.
Mighty Jinn | All factions | Unique
Q: What happens if my Unique Mighty Jinn is the target of a card that sends it to a player's hand or deck?
A: Unlike Common and Rare versions of Mighty Jinn (whose effect is a replacement effect "If I would... ,instead..."), the Unique versions of Mighty Jinn have a reaction of the type "When I leave the Expedition zone — (...) put me in my owner's Mana zone." If they are sent to a hidden zone (such as hand or deck), instead of Reserve or discard, there is no way for the effect to track the card afterwards, and therefore it does nothing.
Mighty Simbi | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If my card becomes Gigantic due to something like Eat Me Energy Bars, and it has an ability such as "When my Expedition moves forward", what happens?
A: You should read such an effect as if it said "your Expeditions". In the case of Mighty Simbi, this is actually a downside: you'll need both your Expeditions to move forward due to {V} to activate its ability only once.
The Magic Sleigh | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: What happens if I have two "the Magic Sleigh" in my Expedition when it moves forward?
A: Instead of moving one region, your Expedition will move three regions (as a single step).
Q: How does the Magic Sleigh interact with effects such as "When an Expedition moves forward"?
A: The Magic Sleigh replaces "moves X regions" by "moves X+1 regions", as a single step. Its Expedition moves forward only once, and "When an Expedition moves forward — " triggers only once.
Q: How does the Magic Sleigh interact with effects that forbids an Expedition from moving forward, such as "Celebration Day" or "Will-O-the-Wisp"?
A: The Magic Sleigh replaces "moves X regions" by "moves X+1 regions". It cannot allow an Expedition to move forward if that Expedition couldn't, but if that Expedition does move forward (for example, if it moved due to {O} while facing Will-O-The-Wisp") it will make it move an extra region, as part of the same step.
The Nilam, Withered Tree | Yzmir | Common
Q: Can I exhaust a card in an opponent's Reserve with the Nilam? Does it allow me to create a Mana Moth?
A: Yes and yes! "A card in Reserve" can be your Reserve or your opponent. You may activate the Nilam {T} ability when YOU exhaust your own cards (for example with Exhausted Resupply or Spells with Cooldown) and when YOU exhaust cards in an opponent's Reserve (such as with Rime Frost).
The Nilam, Withered Tree | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If I perform Exhausted Resupply because of a card played by my opponent, such as "The Snow Maiden", can I create a Mana Moth with my Nilam?
A: Yes. The player that performs the "Exhausted Resupply" is the one that performs both steps.
The Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion | Axiom | Rare
Q: If I control two Axiom versions of "Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion", what happens?
A: Every time an effect tells you to Resupply, it will be replaced by one of your Ourobouros. Since this effect is not a Resupply anymore, the second Ourobouros won't have anything to replace.
Saskia | Muna | Common | FR only
Q: Est-ce que le texte de cette carte a changé?
A: Le premier batch d'impression de Saskia contenait une erreur de traduction, et disait "un Personnage ciblé en Forêt" au lieu d’“un AUTRE Personnage ciblé en Forêt"
The Snow Maiden | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: Can the opponent choose to Resupply only once?
A: Yes.
The Snowman | Lyra | Common & Rare
Q: If I play the Snowman from Reserve into a {O} region, does it gain Fleeting ?
A: Yes! The effect of the Snowman is a drawback (which it can avoid in snowy regions), it doesn't protect it from gaining Fleeting through other rules or game effects.
Will-o'-the-Wisp | Lyra | Common & Rare
Q: If the Expedition facing Will-o'-the-Wisp is in {O}, can it still move forward due to effects such as Small Step, Giant Leap?
A: No.
Q: If Will-o'-the-Wisp or a similar card becomes Gigantic (for example due to an effect such as Eat Me Energy Bars), how does it affect the Expeditions facing it?
A: For a Gigantic Character, "the Expedition facing me" means "the Expeditions facing me". In the specific case of Gigantic Will-o-the-Wisp (Common or Rare, Lyra version), their effect means "If any Expedition facing me is in {O}, that Expedition cannot move forward except due to {O}." (They don't need to both be in {O}).
Q: If the Expedition facing Will-o-the-Wisp moves forward, and contains a card such as The Magic Sleigh, allowing it to move two regions instead of one, what happens? Can it be blocked if the first move brings it in {O}?
A: The Expedition moves forward two regions in one single step, Will-o-the-wisp cannot block it in the middle. (Of course it can prevent it from moving altogether if the starting region is the proper terrain.)
Will-o'-the-Wisp | Muna | Rare
Q: If the Expedition facing Will-o'-the-Wisp (Rare, Muna version) is in {V}, can it still move forward due to effects such as Small Step, Giant Leap?
A: No.
Q: If the Expedition facing Will-o'-the-Wisp is in {O}, can it still move forward due to effects such as Small Step, Giant Leap?
A: No.
Q: If Will-o'-the-Wisp or a similar card becomes Gigantic (for example due to Eat Me Energy Bars), how does it affect the Expeditions facing it?
A: For a Gigantic Character, "the Expedition facing me" means "the Expeditions facing me". In the specific case of Gigantic Will-o-the-Wisp (Rare, Muna version), their effect means "If any Expedition facing me is in {V}, that Expedition cannot move forward except due to {V}." (They don't need to both be in {V}).
Q: If the Expedition facing Will-o-the-Wisp moves forward, and contains a card such as The Magic Sleigh, allowing it to move two regions instead of one, what happens? Can it be blocked if the first move brings it in {V}?
A: The Expedition moves forward two regions in one single step, Will-o-the-wisp cannot block it in the middle. (Of course it can prevent it from moving altogether if the starting region is the proper terrain.)
Will-o'-the-Wisp | All factions | Common & Rare
Q: If two different effects state that an Expedition 1. can only move forward due to {V} and 2. can only move forward due to {O}, what happens?
A: That Expedition cannot move forward.