Meet the Community #6 : Eazy

April 28th, 2024
Reading time
Tell us your story with "altered". How did you discover the game and why did you like it?
I discovered Altered at the end of 2023 while reading an article on Ludovox. The ideas presented intrigued me, especially as a big board game enthusiast. However, with the current density of collectible card games, I had other priorities and didn't delve further into my research. A few weeks later, I came across an interview with Charles Wickham on the Val&PL YouTube channel. The detailed explanations about the concepts of digital collection, print-on-demand, and unique cards totally captivated me. That's when I decided to join the adventure!
What really appealed to me about Altered is how it stands out from other games in the genre. The digital collection offers a whole new dimension to the experience; the simple ability to buy or trade cards worldwide, instantly and with just a few clicks, is extraordinary, especially for the most isolated players!
The concept of unique cards will also spice up our games; facing opponents without knowing exactly what their deck is capable of should evoke the sensations of the early years of Magic: The Gathering.
Add to that the sumptuous and colorful illustrations, as well as simple yet deep gameplay, and you get a game that promises an unforgettable visual and playful experience!
What have you done in the community?
I am convinced that contributing to the development of a community is essential. Being a developer in my everyday life, I thought I would provide some tools so that people can express their creativity and, above all, wait for the long-awaited release of Altered.
So I created: altered-card-builder, a small website where people can create their own Altered cards. They bring their ideas and concepts, and I take care of the layout! The site has already seen a few hundred users in just 2 weeks, and I never tire of seeing the overflowing creativity of community members.
I have also made available a small tool for generating Print-n-Play PDF files from your favorite decklists on ExAltered as well as from all currently revealed cards.
I still have many ideas for projects related to Altered, but we'll see if I find the time to realize them all!
What's your favorite card and faction? Why?
My favorite faction is Axiom. Its illustrations, lore, heroes, gameplay, everything is absolutely perfect in my opinion. I love the idea of a guild of engineers, blacksmiths, and other artisans who use their talents for the common good, and I'm hugely drawn to the steampunk aspect!
As for my favorite card, my heart is torn between the Foundry Armorer, whose illustration I find magnificent, and Kelon's Discharge, which has saved me countless times during my games!
What are you looking forward to in the future of the game?
What I look forward to the most is the day when people start receiving their Kickstarter orders and begin opening their boosters, experiencing the euphoria of the first moments, seeing players share their finds, and starting to deckbuild. But also, hunting for uniques on the marketplace! Lastly, trying to create and develop a dynamic and supportive local community in Lyon (France) and its surroundings, so we can all enjoy an exciting Organized Play that lies ahead!
See you in the Tumult!
My Links
- Discord: eazy0591
- Site:kelonburst.com/card-builder