Meet the Community #24 : Arxeon

  • Community

  • February 25th, 2025

Reading time

4 minutes

Tell us your story with "Altered". How did you discover the game and why did you like it?

My journey with Altered began at Games on Board in Bologna, a board game event. You should know that board games are one of my greatest passions, and I do my best to share this passion through my Instagram profile.

What immediately fascinated me about Altered were its stunning illustrations and unique gameplay—where there are no battles or traps, just you and your opponent.

What I love most about Altered is the challenge of gaining superiority over specific 'lands.' It’s not just about meeting the requirements; you also have to anticipate your opponent’s moves.

What have you done in the community?

At the moment, my work focuses on promoting Altered across various social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitch, and Discord. Together with my Italian team, Spaghetti Alt., we are working to build a strong and growing Italian community dedicated to supporting the game. We engage players through online tournaments, making sure everyone can enjoy the experience. And who knows? We might even organize physical tournaments in the future!

What is your favorite card and faction? Why?

My favorite card is Ordis Attorney in its rare version. This card is strong in any hero of the Ordis faction, which—by now—you’ve probably realized is my favorite.

The Attorney can pressure your opponent into leaving you a shipment for just 2 mana. And if you tie or lose the shipment, it guarantees you a 'free' draw, which is incredibly useful whether you're playing as Sigismar, Waru, or Gulrang.

Many might consider Monolith Legate an overpowered card, but there are plenty of situations where the opponent can simply play cards from reserve. Plus, passive sabotage isn’t always the optimal strategy.

What are you looking forward to in the future of the game?

I wish Altered a future of prosperous growth, and I will seize every opportunity to promote it in my country. Who knows—maybe one day I’ll become a key figure in this amazing game that captivates thousands of players!