
February 16th, 2024
Reading time
When they contemplate the world, the Lyra understand how it is expression above all else. Every living being, every thing, exhales a cohort of ideas and emotions just by existing, like fragrances, like sensory explosions that must be felt to be truly understood and appreciated... Lyra Alterers rejoice in traversing such a cosmos, as vibrant as it is intense; to be pierced by its beauty, as moving as it is relentless. Like any living being, humans are shaped by their senses and molded by what they perceive of their environment. The Lyra make sensation the cornerstone of their values, the keystone of their reality. That is why the present and the moment are so dear to them.
The heightened sensitivity of the Lyra means they absorb like sponges the impressions their environment imparts to them. All the excitement they feel grows within them and sets them in motion. Like an instinct that compels them to shout their own existence amidst all this clamor, they express themselves in turn in a passionate torrent, entering into trance and resonance with the universe. Some whirl in feverish or hypnotic dances, others make their voices resound, whether thunderous or crystalline. Still others indulge in declamations full of verve, capable of touching their audience to the core, or paint the world like an artist transforms a blank sheet of paper into a work of art. For Lyra Alterers, reality itself is a stage or canvas to fill with their energy, their feelings, whether they are euphoria or sorrow, surprise or serenity. But even though their proximity to the artistic domains is undeniable, the Lyra are not limited only to their practice. They are also excellent communicators, talented educators, adept craftsmen, and inspired architects.
Like a vase being filled, a Lyra Alterer must overflow, to let their creative fire erupt lest they be consumed by it. After pouring themselves out in this way, they feel feverish and emptied of their substance, yet again ready to receive the world's incredible gifts. However, they know this process is necessary, for it is the crucible of their own transfiguration. For the Lyra, it is important to be touched, to be changed by the experiences they live. This transformation reflects the true meaning they give to life: the interaction of an individual with the world in which they evolve. This reciprocal influence is the core of their philosophy and dialectic: to transform, and to be transformed in return.
The Lyra are the last heirs of the Tumult Nomads, the first humans to have been able to read the currents of the Tumult before its winds swept over the world. They continue to perpetuate their nomadic way of life: mostly organized into traveling caravans, although some prefer the comfort of solitude, the Lyra roam the peninsula, stopping only briefly. Constantly in motion, they feed on experiences, encounters, and everything they trigger within them. They have no itinerary in mind, and are guided by their mood or the opportunities that present themselves to them. It is also common for a Lyra to leave their caravan only to return later, after taking the time to immerse themselves in a place or a group of people.
Each Lyra procession, from the most modest to the most imposing, is necessarily part of a Saraband, a grouping of caravans that share the same ancestry and a common set of customs. These Sarabands, nine in number, each have a Matriarch at their helm, an elder who ensures the respect of traditions and the memory of the Faction. These Matriarchs constitute the supreme authority among the Lyra, as each represents an exclusive interlocutor for the Nine Sisters, the Eidolons who serve as their tutelary patrons. However, they rarely use this preeminence, preferring instead to watch over their procession like a shepherd over his flock.
Alteration Style : The Ignescence
Rites & initiation
Iconic Locations
The Sahanka
Due to their nomadic existence, the Lyra do not have a Bastion in the strictest sense. However, the largest Lyra caravans, especially those that accommodate the Matriarchs, are centered around a Sahanka. The Sahanka can be a building, a palace, or even a small town, which moves or advances at the same pace as the processions. These enormous structures are not technological feats like those built by the Axiom, but places that have come to life through Alteration. Like gargantuan beasts of burden made of metal, glass, beams, bricks, or stone, the Sahanka transports dwellings that can serve as shelter, both against the elements and the Tumult. Each Sahanka is unique, shaped by the sensibilities of the Alterers who participated in its creation. Tall spires made of aerolith, elevated platforms with legs... their forms are diverse. They can also host indigenous peoples for performances within the halls and amphitheaters incorporated into them. When the Lyra stop somewhere, it is not uncommon to see countless tents and pavilions spring up all around, forming a temporary city that comes to life for the duration of their stay.
The Kalann Mae
Once per cycle, the Lyra feel a mystical calling to a constantly changing location. Those who choose to answer it gather at a caravanserai to celebrate the Kalann Mae, a festival dedicated to Art in all its forms. Troubadours and contortionists, sculptors and painters compete in talent, becoming intoxicated with fever to unleash unbridled creativity. All the gathered energy shapes the location of the call, and at the end of the festivities, as a climax, a Wonder blossoms there, grandiose and sumptuous. The Wonder in question is then left behind or entrusted to local populations, and the Lyra set off again towards new horizons. The reversed waterfall of Cuyvar, the Olive Grove of Sartonis, the Alabaster House of Ser-Karran, or the Valtrecht Centaur are among these enchanting places or monuments, eternal masterpieces commemorating a fleeting and glorious moment.
The Ouroboros
Current Objectives
Find the two other Tribes
Eons ago, before the birth of Asgartha's civilization, the Tumult Nomads roamed the world. They were divided into eight Tribes, each originating from a distinct region of the world. While they all received a mystical call to converge towards the same place, only seven arrived safely. The eighth was lost body and soul, earning the name of “Lost Tribe” after its demise. But even before the foundation of Asgartha, another Tribe decided not to remain on the peninsula and to continue leading a nomadic existence. This latter was named the “Exiled Tribe”. The Lyra wish to know what happened to these two Tribes. Did they survive? If not, what happened to them? The Rediscovery Endeavor is their opportunity to find out.
Finding their Paramour
The Lyra's gift of Alteration, the Ignescence, is an inner fire that burns with incredible intensity. Born from the purest inspiration, this flame that inhabits them and takes root in the depths of their soul is like a spark of Tumult that continues to grow throughout their lives. It is through this flame that the Lyra achieve a thousand feats. Expressing this inner fire is natural for them, as it is an integral part of their being. But it is also a matter of survival. If they cannot release it through their Alteration, their flesh begins to char, their skin flakes into pale ashes... as if they were slowly being consumed. Conversely, pouring out too much of their fire can leave them empty and drained, prone to lethargy and depression. But this condition does not frighten the members of this Faction. It is part of their identity, as death is part of life. There is also a persistent legend, that of the Paramours: soulmates capable, by their mere presence, of neutralizing the harmful effects of Ignescence by absorbing a portion of this inner fire, or feeding it in return. That is why many Lyra embark on a quest for their other half, so that their creative abilities can be fully expressed, without any restriction.