Global Timeline

May 1st, 2024
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Age of Tumult
The Confluence
???-49 BC
Period known as the Great Wandering, where multiple human tribes - later gathered under the name Tumult Nomads - survive by journeying from Oasis to Oasis
49-31 BC
Following a mystical call, the Tumult Nomads initiate the Great Migrations: the various nomadic tribes all converge towards a distant location, which later becomes Asgartha. With no alternative and weary of their endless journeys, the Nomads decide to take a leap of faith by heading towards this unknown destination
30-0 BC
One after another, the caravans of Tumult Nomads arrive at the Oasis that will later be called Asgartha. Out of the eight tribes, only seven make it safely. The Nomads take possession of the small peninsulas that will later become Caer Eidos and establish a colony there. The arrival of the seventh tribe marks the end of the Great Migrations. No one knows what happened to the eighth tribe, now known as the Lost Tribe
27 BC
The tribes settle in Caer Oorun to develop the necessary crops and livestock for their survival
17 BC
One of the seven tribes, known as the Exiles, decides to leave the Oasis. Some claim that its members wanted to resume their wandering. Other sources mention a conflict with the other tribes. They leave the peninsula and are never seen again
Age of Concord
1 AC
The tribes that chose to stay decree the Concord: the gathering of all communities into one single people, under one single banner. At the same time, Asgartha is founded: a city, a kingdom, which will serve as a new starting point for human civilization. To lead it, Rune is crowned as Kuningas, the first High King of Asgartha. The Asgarthan calendar begins with the year of the Founding of Asgartha. This year is marked as 1 AC, for Anno Concordiae, the 'Year of Concord'
3 AC
The Asgarthan territory is divided into two administrative units: Caer Eidos on one side, and Caer Oorun on the other
8 AC
Beginning of the exploration of the peninsulas of Vagheria and Anthea
14 AC
Aysun, daughter of Rune, founds the Yzmir Faction. She convinces her father to establish an elective monarchy rather than a hereditary one, as she does not wish to take power after him
17 AC
Beginning of the Diaspora of the future Lyra towards the peninsula of Anthea, under the pretext of wanting to rediscover a nomadic life
20 AC
Attack of the Cingula Leviathan
21 AC
Founding of the Ordis by Caellach, the Kuningas’ steward
37 AC
Founding of the Bravos by Heshkari, Rune’s first lieutenant, both his best friend and his fiercest rival
41 AC
Rune disappears forever into the Tumult with some of his Runic Knights (his close guard). The Yeni Phoenix, which watched over Rune throughout his reign, does not come back to life, remaining in the form of an egg. A prophecy gradually spreads. The Phoenix will be reborn when Rune returns
42 AC
Election and coronation of Cwaith, Kuningatar (High-Queen) of Asgartha. Her reign proves to be just, in direct continuation of Rune’s legacy
59 AC
The peoples who remained nomadic unite under the banner of the Lyra. Nine Lyra Clans are created, each led by a Matriarch
70 AC
Election and coronation of Ayxas, Kuningas of Asgartha
72 AC
Discovery of the properties of the Aerolithe
74 AC
After promising beginnings, Ayxas descends into madness and begins a reign of terror, focusing his attention on creating a military and despotic regime. He claims he wants to create a society capable of fighting efficiently against the Tumult
86 AC
Coup d'état and deposition of Ayxas. The ousted Kuningas is condemned to exile. He vanishes into the Tumult, uttering a final curse
87 AC
Election and coronation of Akash, Kuningas of Asgartha
100 AC
Attack of the Cingula Leviathan
115 AC
Emerging from the Tumult like a waking nightmare, the Kraken Leviathan descends upon Caer Oorun. Kaibara and the Kraken battle relentlessly for three days and two nights, ravaging the Province, before the Kraken gains the upper hand over the Whale Leviathan. The Asgarthans have no choice but to abandon the devastated Province
116-120 AC
Erection of the Rampart, which cuts off the isthmus of Caer Eidos
122 AC
Crowning of Ekaterina ruun-Caellach, Kuningatar of Asgartha
124-128 AC
Explorations by Rifat Asdrubal and Adrijan ruun-Tighe of the peninsulas of Kirighai and Enosha, as well as the island of Suspira
125 AC
Beginning of the settlement of Anthea, suitable for hosting numerous cereal and vegetable cultures, which soon becomes Asgartha's new granary. The population needs these territories to feed its growing population, following the loss of Caer Oorun
130 AC
Ekaterina ruun-Caellach abdicates and hands over power to the Factions. Creation of the Council of Four. The Archons of the Factions lead the First City
136 AC
Beginning of the settlement of Kirighai, and creation of the city of Kestia
137 AC
The Leviathan Kaibara attacks the human communities established in Kirighai
139 AC
A Bravos expedition sets out to eliminate the Leviathan
140 AC
The settlement of Kirighai is abandoned following Niavhe's intervention. By bonding with Kaibara, Niavhe unleashes a magical surge that awakens those who will later become the Muna Faction. An agreement is reached: Kirighai will remain an inviolable sanctuary, and in return, Kaibara will provide support to the Bravos to protect the entire Peninsula
142 AC
Beginning of the settlement of Enosha
146 AC
Beginning of the settlement of Suspira
148-149 AC
The Nifir, a disease seemingly brought from the distant regions of Asgartha, decimates the population. It affects the Mana of living beings, making it unstable and causing physical and mental mutations. Terrified survivors order a quarantine to try to cope with this scourge
149 AC
Claiming that the Nifir is a celestial punishment, Amahle Kalu preaches discord and hatred against the other Factions from Brisingan, the Crossroads of the Lyra. Some rebellious Clans join him to attack the Asgarthan settlers, claiming Anthea as their sole property. This marks the beginning of an episode that will later be called the Fratricidal War
151 AC
The Muna Faction formalizes its existence
154 AC
- Creation of Sadracca, the city of a thousand bell towers
- Battle of the Plains of Cathor-Firi and defeat of the rebellious Lyra Clans against an alliance of Lyra Clans loyal to the Nine Sisters and the Asgarthans. Amahle Kalu is captured. Brisingan is abandoned. End of the Fratricidal War
158 AC
The city of Amorgand is created on the ruins of Brisingan
163 AC
Discovery of an endemic species of the Katkera: the mushs. The mushs have the ability to purify Mana
175 AC
A Tumult Singularity settles permanently near Arkaster. The capital is cut off from the rest of the Peninsula. Yong-Su Tenzing, the most gifted Alterer of his generation, manages to create the Mugen to bring food to the populations facing famine
180 AC
Attack of the Cingula Leviathan
186-189 AC
Second outbreak of Nifir. The toll is heavy: the dead count by the tens of thousands. Corpses litter the streets for days
194 AC
Creation of the Asgarthan Federation. The Archons hand over power to the Basileus, the new honorary title of the leader of Asgartha
201 AC
The seat of power is transferred from the Elysium (the Kuningas’ Palace) to the Asterion, the Basileus’ Palace built on the small island of Kuna
209 AC
Kaja ruun-Aksoy launches the joint construction of the Thule and Svarga stations, and announces the Transasgarthan project, a railway that will connect Kestia to Sadracca
214 AC
The two Transasgarthan construction sites begin at each end amidst general euphoria and fierce competition
218 AC
Themba Hekekia the Healer finds a cure for the Nifir, thanks to the mushs, which have the ability to filter Mana and stabilize it
222 AC
Asgartha is connected by railway to Verbera, on the border of the Provinces of Caer Kettria and Caer Arcolano
234 AC
After years of hard work, the two Transasgarthan construction sites finally converge in Avesta
238 AC
The railroad extends all the way to Seki
242 AC
The three Governors of Caer Kettria, Caer Esvander, and Caer Alcada create the Coalition, an alliance for cooperation between the Asgarthan Provinces
244 AC
Caer Arcolano joins the Coalition
248 AC
The Governors propose to Caer Eidos to join the Coalition as a full member, but Basileus Marcus Sune refuses, provoking the anger of the regional leaders. Their aim is to reduce Caer Eidos to a mere Province, and not a central power. Sune, on the contrary, harbors the ambition of handing over the reins of power to the people, with the aim of making Asgartha a true democracy
252 AC
Assassination attempt on Marcus Sune. Beginning of a civil war between the Provinces and Arkaster, known as the Severance War
257 AC
End of the Civil War
257-288 AC
Era of relative peace, marked by increasingly pronounced internal struggles between the Asgarthan Factions
259 AC
Asgartha becomes a republic
260 AC
Attack of the Cingula Leviathan
262 AC
Abelen Sundström, the intrepid explorer, discovers the island she names Abelena, off the coast of Kirighai
264 AC
Hiram Akadori’s election to the position of Basileus
270-273 AC
Abelen Sundström's Great Expeditions: the 271 AC exploration of the Caer Oorun shores to the west and the 273 AC discovery of Keleti to the east, which she begins to map
274 AC
The Carnelian Crown is given to Abelen Sundström for her exploits
276 AC
Abelen’s last expedition
283 AC
Discovery of the properties of Kelon
288 AC
Beginning of the Three Factions’ War
292 AC
Vaike Swiftwater invents the Kelon flasks and tanks, but conceals his discoveries for fear they will be used in the war effort
294 AC
End of the Three Factions’ War
295 AC
The Factions, by mutual agreement, abandon their political ambitions. Promulgation of the Covenant: the pact of non-aggression and cooperation between the Factions. Three Fundamental Laws are enacted
305 AC
A tsunami strikes Arkaster without warning, destroying the First City's port. Aroro Niski sacrifices herself to prevent the city from being submerged by the waters
306-325 AC
Arkaster’s reconstruction is accompanied by a slow technological transition to Kelon. Edire and Nanha Niski, in honor of their sister's sacrifice, restore the First City by building upon the work of Vaike Swiftwater
313 AC
The Rampart, through Alteration, is extended from both sides of the isthmus of Caer Eidos and into the sea, to protect the entirety of the Peninsula from a new Tumult tsunami
327 AC
The Bravos attempt to regain a foothold in Caer Oorun, on the coast named Elikadura. With the Ordis, they build the Cebir, a citadel intended to serve as a stepping stone for the reconquest of the world. The Bravos aim to study the Kraken in order to successfully eliminate it. Some Yzmir accompany them to discover where the tsunami came from
329 AC
The Cebir is abandoned due to supplying difficulties
339 AC
The Artificers’ Guild, under the impetus of Edire Niski, creates the first Constructs, which enable the Alteration of the world without the presence of Alterers
340 AC
Attack of the Cingula Leviathan. Mesektet, the Night Barque of the Ordis, is lost in Caer Oorun
343 AC
Founding of the Axiom, the sixth Alteration Faction, when the scientific and technical Guilds unite within the same organization
352 AC
The Bravos attempt once again to reclaim Caer Oorun. None return, except for one lone survivor. The expedition ends in failure
354 AC
The Muna develop the Musubi, a ceremony through which two beings can bind their souls. They draw upon the legendary bond between Niavhe and Kaibara, the young girl who united with the Leviathan
361 AC
Avkan ruun-Heshkari is elected Basileus of Asgartha
363 AC
For the first time, a Musubi is celebrated between an Alterer and a Tumult creature. This duo, called an 'Exalt', is endowed with powers beyond comprehension
368 AC
Avkan requests an extension of his mandate to develop the Rediscovery Endeavor, a program devised for the reconquest of reality, and inspired by the discoveries of Abelen. This feat is finally feasible thanks to the existence of the Exalts. It is granted to him, on the condition that he will abdicate when the rediscovery forces depart
375 AC
The reconstruction of one of the two flagship vessels of the Ordis begins: Mandjet, also known as the Day Barque
380 AC
Great census
392 AC
The Rediscovery Endeavor is finally ready to launch into the Terra Incognita. The first step of this venture is the retaking of Caer Oorun from the Kraken