
March 14th, 2024
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Located east of the Kirighai peninsula, Enosha is also divided into two Provinces: Caer Esvander to the west and Caer Alcada to the east. While Anthea is mainly specialized in cereal, fruit, and vegetable cultivation, Enosha is characterized by the strong presence of pastures and mountainous regions. This is why it is renowned for its livestock and mineral quarries.
Regions of Caer Esvander
The Vanderun Shards
The southern part of the Enoshan peninsula is a broken land floating above a sea perpetually drowned in mist. It seems as if the ground has come apart. To the south, a slope gradually rises from the ground, and these heights are actually made of rocks and islands floating in the air. It is frequent that earthquakes shake the ground when islands collide. The grassy expanses covering the islands are conducive to livestock farming. Caer Esvander's trademark is cheese, especially from a particular breed of goat. Otherwise, humanity resorts to various contraptions to move from island to island (gliders, aerostats, airships...). Sometimes, gigantic bubbles of water rise from the Undersea and drown certain rocks.
Regions of Caer Alcada
The Makonis Heights
High in the clouds, the Makonis Heights are the other name for the Province of Caer Alcada. The grasses, flowers, and groves that grow there are pink or purple (it is where the trees planted in the Kadigir come from). The trees do not exhibit leaves but rather colored bubbles that grow on their branches. Some areas are volcanic, and the barren ground exhales toxic vapors. Others are covered with coral forests, like a maritime reef but on solid ground. The Makonis Heights are one of Asgartha’s most bizarre ecosystem, filled with chaotic biomorphic forms, like mounds of pink moss. Cloud banks frequently drift over the landscape, absorbing the sulfuric fumes.