Caer Oorun

April 17th, 2024
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Nearly three centuries ago, Asgartha encompassed another Province: Caer Oorun. This territory was part of the same Oasis as the rest of the Peninsula. Initially, it was an agrarian area upon which the human colony of Asgartha relied to meet its needs. But that was without reckoning on the arrival of the Kraken. This Leviathan challenged Kaibara for control of the region. The two colossi battled for days, ravaging the Province, raining ruin and destruction upon the human enclaves that had developed there. Entire villages were wiped off the map, fields were laid to waste... The populations had no choice but to pack their bags to escape all this devastation. At the end of this titanic confrontation, Kaibara, defeated, also had to retreat, leaving Caer Oorun in the hands of the victorious Kraken.
In great haste, the Rampart was built to prevent the Kraken from threatening the rest of the peninsula, and the Solstice Gate, the only land opening within this gargantuan wall, was sealed forever. The chronicles of historians mention the names of several regions, now forgotten. The fjords of Elikadura, the bayous of the Strand, and the Tilted Steppes were among the places populated by humanity. But the Turbulent Shores, the primal forest of Irundu, or even the Jayu Desert were other unexplored areas, but ones upon which humanity could cast its eyes. It is now difficult to know what explorers may find there. Has the Tumult reclaimed its rights over these lands? Or has the Oasis managed to resist the mutations? The Rediscovery Endeavor will be an opportunity to answer these questions.
But before that, humanity must face a weighty obstacle. The Kraken has made Caer Oorun its lair and continues to wreak havoc there. Foremost among the Asgarthans, the Bravos feel they have a score to settle with the Leviathan. On numerous occasions, they have tried, unsuccessfully and at the cost of many lives, to reestablish themselves within the Province. That's why they are eager to confront the monster once again, hoping to triumph. Defeating the Kraken has become an inevitable step, and this time, they know they have all the power of Asgartha behind them. For as long as the Leviathan holds sway over the former Province, everyone knows that the Rediscovery Endeavor cannot truly be launched, at least for its western branch…
Elikadura Fjords
Elikadura is a region where mountains are traversed by winding fjords, where the slopes of rocky peaks harbor immutable glaciers, and the tortuous sea arms shelter dangerous icebergs. This is where the ruins of Cebir are located, the small citadel built by the joint forces of the Bravos and the Ordis.
Irundu Forest
A mysterious and deep forest, whose sometimes rugged ground is covered with moss and lush vegetation. There are discreet streams, valleys half-hidden by branches. Many colorful birds nest in the trees, while small animals rummage through the fern carpets.
Jayu Desert
A desert of ocher red, traversed by rocky formations with a tortured aspect. Here and there, salt accumulations cling to the ground, in tumuli or in more extensive dunes. While some areas are covered with a thin film of water reflecting the clouds, most of this biome is arid and desolate.
The Strand
The Strand is a coastal marshy area, with calm and shallow waters. To navigate within this bayou, one must move between giant lily pads and disproportionately large lotuses. But one must not be fooled by this apparent serenity. Beneath the surface, masked by the water lens, many predators seek their prey.
Turbulent Shores
The Turbulent Shores live up to their name. Amidst the stacks, in the depths, powerful whirlpools arise without warning, threatening to break the ships that dare to venture there, and to draw them towards the depths. Many explorers believe that it is here that the Kraken has taken up residence, and therefore avoid venturing too far into these reefs.
The Tilted Steppes
The Tilted Steppes are composed of numerous high-altitude plateaus conducive to animal husbandry. But this grassy region, where a few isolated islets float above a sea of clouds, is primarily marked by a capricious gravity. One walks vertically or upside down... It is easy to be disoriented, to confuse up and down in this region’s vales.