Scène compétitive

  • Official Altered organized play events will require you to digitially own all cards you wish to play in an event. As event registration will happen online, you'll only be able to submit a decklist with the cards in your collection.

  • As long as you own any version of the card (with the same cardname and rarity) you can play any physical version of the card in your deck.

  • As for any other card games, from time to time, judges will deck check some players at the beginning of a round.

    • Tournament officials will be able to quickly perform deck checks with the Altered app by scanning all of the QR code in the physical deck.
    • A deck check only validates if your physical deck matches the decklist you registered for the event. You'll always be able to play with any version of a physical copy as long as you have any version of those cards in your collection/registered decklist.
  • Stay tuned for information about Organized Play rewards!

  • Altered Organized Play will start as soon as the game releases in August, 2024. During the first set, "Beyond the Gates," all official Altered events will take place in LGSs, as well as a few convention events in 2024.

    Starting with "Set 2" in January 2025, we'll expand our Organized Play offerings with competitive tournaments at larger events, our own conventions, and eventually, an Altered World Championship.

  • We don't have any plans to offer official Alerted Organized Play events via BoardGameArena (BGA). Our committment to physical play will remain the backbone of Altered OP offerings.

    We can never account for real world events that might make physical play unrealistic and are happy to have BGA as a platform to play Altered on with your collection.

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