The Kadigir, Yzmir Bastion

The Kadigir, Yzmir Bastion




Main effect

: The next Spell you play this turn is free.

Altered Cards

Rulings & Clarification

9/15/2024, 10:38 AM

Question : What happens if I use the Kadigir to cast a Spell such as Cloth Cocoon on a Tough target?

Answer : You cast it for free!

11/15/2024, 10:38 AM

Question : What happens I play a card for free with The Kadigir, Yzmir Bastion, while my opponent controls a card that increases the cost of my Spells, such as the Rare version of Robin Hood?

Answer : A free card remains free!
Playing a card for free means bypassing its cost entirely, which is different from reducing it to zero.