Conjuring Seal

The imagination shapes our reality just as our beliefs shaped the Æther.
I call upon Hecate, I call upon the destroyer of the Veil. Ilinka helps me to maintain the Conjuring Seal. It takes the form of the Strophalos of the Triple Goddess of Witchcraft, half in our world and half in the Empyrean. Because of this, it materializes and fades away, spinning like an erratic mobile. We cannot loosen our grip. We'd hate to create a second Confluence... All I need is a crack through which I can pull out the ideas I need from the world of the imagination. With jaw clenched, I plunge my hand into its center. Around it, the shattered concentric circles rotate chaotically like locks opening and closing. I feel the pain running up my arm as I fish around for ideas...
The fissure between the worlds expands and contracts again and again. It's a delicate balance. Too much force, and it will sever my arm; not enough, and there's a risk of creating a Tumult Singularity. So, I close my eyes and focus on the ideas lacerating my skin like a furious maelstrom. When I feel the ones that I'm looking for have taken the bait, I remove my arm, which has been infected by a multitude of parasitic ideas. They are pure and powerful ideas, but I was ready for them. I start to strip them from my essence like peeling an orange, keeping only those that I need. The others vanish into the air, to be carried by the currents of the Tumult until they attach themselves somewhere in reality. I signal to Ilinka, and together we close the Seal of Hecate. I cover my ravaged arm with my coat, and in my mind, I turn over the ideas I'll be manifesting in the world as soon as I can.
389 AC