Paper Herald

Words mean more than what is set down on paper.


INSTRUCTIONS Write your message on one or more standard 15 x 15 cm or 20 x 20 cm origami sheets Write the sender's name on the front Write the recipient's name on the back Fold it in compliance with the department or service being contacted (refer to attached list) Affix the "Life" Glyph on the completed Paper Herald Give personalized instructions orally Notify the recipient of the delivery through your Gestalt (optional)

Crane Sanctum Pelican Kurung Rabbit Haven Tortoise Court Beetle Aegis Bee Talaria Ant Clerical offices Frog Notary offices Butterfly Asterion Palace Dragonfly Historians' Guild Lotus Flower Bark Refuge

For sub-office codes, refer to circular 80-PA1020.

Important: Any folding error could result in sorting or routing errors, leading to potential delivery delays.