
Only in harmony can the world thrive.


I plunge my hands into the riverbed where the water widens and stagnates, adorning itself with lily pads. I watch the earth dissolve in the pristine water, a few colorful fish swimming beneath the surface as I rub off the mud cakes on my wrists. I could probably use a deeper washing. I take off my jacket and my dirt-soiled shirt, hastily remove my breeches. Naked, I make my way through the stream, shivering despite the sweltering heat. I move slowly to keep from slipping on the mossy stones, until the water laps against my navel. I stay there, motionless. Thoughtfully gazing at my reflection. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my cheek. I straighten up and find myself face to face with a uniquely beautiful woman. No, not a woman. An Eidolon.

She watches me with a kind gaze, a soft warmth radiating from her hand to my cheek. And through this contact, a thousand images are projected in my mind. She and her husband Shiva embracing. Their essences joining, mingling. Then suddenly, as the lotus flowers begin to open around us, I come to understand that every being is ultimately a blend of feminine and masculine... Parvati encourages me to observe my reflection again. And now I see that it doesn't define me. It's part of me, it belongs to me. It's my playground, and I'm free to do whatever I like with it. The body is not a prison, but a canvas. I see myself smiling, then explore my eyes, my forehead, my shoulders that look a bit too wide to me. With the right tunic, I could soften them. With earrings, I could break the overly square lines of my jaw. Suddenly I am moved to tears, as a newfound sense of peace and excitement take root.


The Hindu goddess of harmony and motherhood, Parvati is also an incarnation of shakti, the cosmic energy that pervades the universe. Shakti was originally a primordial force, chaotic by nature and untamed. Married to Shiva, she is often shown connecting with him. Through this union, she symbolizes the restorative energy that brings all beings together. But along with this benevolent aspect, she has a deadly side when she appears in the guise of Kali. After all, shakti is equally synonymous with both creation and destruction.




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