Ride the Bifröst

The Lyra never play by the rules.


Damn, Blotch is in a pickle. I can feel him struggling over on his side, sort of tangled up in a mist into which his colors are bleeding out. As for me, I'll be fine. I'll figure something out, so I might as well help him out. I concentrate and close my eyes to call the spirit of the Bifrost to me. I have to be careful not to get mixed up with the Leprechaun's rainbow and his pot of gold, his crock of loot. With all that booty, I could buy loads of... no, no, no! I open my eyes, and of course, that's what I've got. A pot full of cash, which is definitely not what I need right now. Of course, as soon as you tell your brain not to think of something, it thinks of that exact thing. Typical.

So, I concentrate again, focusing on an iridescent road, a fiery ribbon with colors that intertwine to form a bridge in the sky... And this time it works! No little green man, no red beard or four-leaf clover, but instead a rainbow winding between the clouds. All right, quick, let's go! I signal to my Eidolons to jump onto it so its currents can carry them to my little Alter Ego. One by one, I watch as they're swept away on the pink and blue torrents, slipping down the sky river like they're on a water slide, slaloming between the stars and lightning. Perched on her clockodile, the Eidolon of Fen's friend Aru tucks a Mush under her arm and jumps into the torrent. I hope they get to the other side safe and sound, because it won't be easy to fish them out if they fall overboard.


The Bifrost, which means "shimmering path," is a rainbow bridge that connects Midgard (the land of the mortals) and Asgard (the fortified realm of the Nordic gods). Guarded forever by Heimdall, the bridge of the Æsir is supposedly indestructible and constantly burns with flames to prevent the jötnar from crossing it. However, the Bifrost is destined to break during Ragnarok, the final battle between the gods and the giants that Odin glimpsed.




392 AC