
Spotting a martengale is always a good omen.
Eleventh sign of the New Zodiac: the Martengale October 23 - November 22
Depicted as a winged marten with long ears, it's said that the Martengale symbolizes instability and impermanence. Its element is air.
Those born under the sign of the Martengale are elusive by nature and full of contradictions: They are independent but don't like to be alone, and like innovation but have a strong sense of tradition. Like their spirit animal, they enjoy venturing off the beaten track but always come back to where they started from. It's often said that Martengales are lucky, but it's usually because they prefer to bounce back quickly rather than sit around feeling sorry for themselves. They are adaptable, but still show strong determination, and can sometimes be stubborn when the situation requires it. Terrified of being bored, they display a relentless need for freedom, even if it means raising the stakes to a level that defies all odds.