
A Hero can practice Alteration through their Companion, no matter the distance between them.


I pet Boo's belly as he lounges near the fire. His eyes are closed, and it looks like he's smiling, stretched out flat on his back. Yeah, it's a far cry now from the rough coat he had when I found him a few months back, with his scared little meeps. He was a little ball of shaggy fur, tangled into scabs of mud and gravel. He was shivering, and he even tried to intimidate me with little yowls when I approached to wrap my coat around him. I remember how he squirmed in my arms as I carried him back down to my house. And then he lapped up the milk I served him in a saucer, making a proper mess of it as he tried to defend his meat, even though I kept saying no one would take it away from him.

Now his scarlet coat is beautiful, almost taking the shape of flames. And it's wild how much he's grown since I adopted him. It wasn't easy at the start. He was scared of everything and would hide under the furniture. But now, Mom seems to think he's gonna cause all kinds of damage when he gets to his adult size. Maybe I'll have to get someone to help me train him. Because if he starts tearing up the rug or people's clothes, there'll definitely be trouble. Ah well, at least Dad will be on our side. He says it's a sign of fate that me and Gul both inherited a Chimera on the same day. And obviously, I prefer my little furball to my sister's big old clunky statue. Right, Booboo? Who's a little furball?




378 AC