Mana Channeling

There's only one way to turn the tide: by becoming stronger.
Before Kaibara's final swerve, I let myself drop to the beach, attempting to somehow break my fall using the slope of a dune. I land in a cloud of sand, and I roll down the embankment. I stand back up, shake myself off, and spit out the sand in my mouth just as Boo slides up next to me, turning the ground to glass to fashion himself a toboggan. Then we're hit by a terrible explosion, and I fall on my butt, while Boo's fur gets ruffled. Kaibara just collided with the Kraken and sent it flying in the waves. I blink, stunned by the impact and the strikes they're exchanging, all the devastation they're causing. This is what we'll have to stand against? I gulp, and my stomach is in knots. OK, I'm scared. It's normal to be scared.
I clench my fists. But I'm a Bravos now. Fear is what you eat for breakfast at the crack of dawn. I slap my cheeks. Ready, Booda? Because it's up to us. We're not gonna freak out over some oversized squid, right? I start walking toward the Kraken, trying to glean as much Mana as I can. Booda does the same, scampering beside me. It starts with the volatile Mana in the air, but that's not nearly enough. We'll need a lot more if we're gonna really kick the crap out of that thing. Little by little, I focus on tapping into the Mana embedded in the things around me. The grass on the dunes dematerializes as I steal its Mana, then the dunes themselves. Oh well, there's no other way. We need more. I begin to rob all the Mana I possibly can, as everything around me is sent back to the void. And in my hand glows more power than I've ever manifested before.
392 AC