Hua Mulan

Her determination has yet to meet its match in this world.


"You have to feed on what others give you." That's what Hua Mulan had said. I didn't take her literally when she offered this bit of advice, thinking she was merely referring to the lessons I could gain from each of my instructors, to the experience I accumulated with each battle fought. But I'm beginning to understand what she really meant. I was capable of drawing upon my Alter Ego's nature to move at the speed of light. I was capable of delivering charged blows to deaden my enemies' limbs. But it wasn't only because of my bond with Surge. It was because I was consuming part of his being to make it my own. And with every Eidolon I called upon, a part of his power was transferred to me, to make me stronger.

Mulan gets into position, brandishing her jian like a wasp's stinger. Her eyes are calm as a pond sheltered from the wind, her body motionless as a marble statue. She comes alive suddenly, dashing toward me. Right, left, down. Her blows are probing my defenses for a weak spot. But whereas I would've fought back just a few days prior, I keep on the defensive, focused on countering or dodging each of her attacks. I had always thought I had to become the best sword fighter, by sheer force of the sword alone. But I neglected the fact that I was an Alterer, even though that's where my versatility comes from. So I call them to me. All those who I've sparred with. I summon them, not to have them fight in my stead, but to ask that they pass along some of their power. As they appear, Hua Mulan smiles. And through them, I feel transcendence taking root within me. I feel the duende overtake me.


The main protagonist of the Ballad of Mulan, Hua Mulan was a young weaver from the Tabgatch people of northern China. When her father was conscripted to serve under the Qaghan, their emperor, she decided to take his place and join the army, passing herself off as a man. After a decade of service, during which she distinguished herself through feats of martial and military prowess, the only reward she requested was a simple camel to return to her family.




386 AC