
"And now, pray, mark all these things well in a wise heart."


Carmela holds her ankle, wincing in pain as the other pupils flock around her to see what's wrong. I bluntly dismiss them to give her a little air, then lean down to examine her foot as she grits her teeth. Hmm. Nothing serious. A simple sprain. But she probably won't make the trip back to the Kurung on her own two feet. I sigh as I stand up, letting Kai pass the bit of Mana he's gathered on to me. As she's wont to do, Carmela went overboard while trying to show off. A real tomboy, and real stubborn to boot. But there will be time enough for scolding later on. For now, she'll need a mount and a doctor. Very well, I know what I have to do.

Using Alteration, I summon Chiron to join us. His Eidolon appears, trotting towards us. The centaur scratches his beard and sighs on seeing the young woman laid out on the ground, her fists clenched more out of frustration than real suffering. I see him bow down and take bandages and ointments from his satchel. And while the other orphans are resting or exploring the area, he begins to treat her. Once her ankle is fully wrapped, he hoists her onto his back. She clings to him, letting the fatigue and dejection wash over her. After rallying the other children, I ask Chiron to bring her back safely so the rest of us can continue our little excursion. I hit his rump and he sets off, galloping towards the capital. Let's hope that along the way, he finds the right words to offer her sound advice, just as he did for me back when I played the daredevil.


A creature from Greek mythology who's half-man and half-horse, Chiron is the son of Cronos, king of the Titans and father of Zeus and the other early Olympians. But unlike other centaurs, who are boorish and brutal, Chiron is distinguished by his legendary wisdom and the great versatility of his knowledge, from surgery to divination, as well as hunting and astronomy. By virtue of his talents, he was entrusted with the education of many future heroes: Jason, Achilles, Asclepius, and Heracles, to name but a few. It's said that after he died, Zeus made him into a constellation.




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