Kadigiran Mage-Dancer

"Don't just wait for magic to happen. Go out and make your own!"


Slowly, Sewati starts to perform his first kata. His face is calm, and his eyes are focused with intense concentration. He then starts a series of movements as he traces Sign after Sign in front of him. His gestures quiver with Mana. Each one is a way to imbue his Signs with a tangible character, to flood them with meaning and power. We call them Mage-Dancers because of the elaborate choreographies they perform, but in a way, they're actually more like fishermen. Each Sign they create becomes a lure for the ideas that exist on the other side of the Veil, a magnet that draws them to a precise location. They only need to create a small incision to allow them to cross the barrier between worlds, to bring them to life in the here and now. And that's exactly what Sewati is getting ready to do.

Suddenly, the idea of water surges into the world from the Empyrean. And like all the ideas that come from the imaginary world, this one is pure, refined by all the minds that are thinking of it in this moment. The water is crystal clear, devoid of any impurity. But this is only one part of his spell. Another Sign is traced, and it summons more ideas, including a whirlpool. Fed by the Aether, the water starts to swirl all around him like a frantic and imperious spinning top. But there's one more step to finalize the spell: the third Sign he has traced, the Sign of glass. The ideas clump together, ultimately crossing the threshold in turn. Suddenly, the water spout solidifies into a glass spiral with delicate and sharp patterns. Satisfied with the result, I simply nod. After completing his exercise, Sewati relaxes, exhaling deeply to chase away all the parasitic ideas that crossed the Veil...