
Facing terrible odds and an unfathomably huge Leviathan, the Ordis legion charged nonetheless.


We fly over the troops as they move towards the Leviathan. In one hand I'm holding Wingspan's reins, and in the other I'm waving the banner of the Aegis as best I can against the violent winds blowing in from the sea. As I soar over the hordes of soldiers, I watch them go from walking to jogging and then to charging. Rank after rank, they surge forward likes waves of killers into the swell. Spears are lowered, shields are raised, swords are drawn... Through the eyes of my Alter Ego, I can see the droplets of saltwater running down their armor, the fixed expressions on their faces, a mix of fear and fury. And given what we're facing, they have reason to be scared. For a fraction of a second, I look for Sunisa before quickly dismissing the idea.

I can't let anxiety paralyze me. I can't let myself be worried about my troops. All I can do is coordinate them to the best of my abilities so that most of them can return home safely. I need to stay detached, to make decisions based on analysis rather than emotion... The best thing I can do for them is guide them to victory. So that's what I'll do. That's what I must do. I call on the Coalescence, allowing my spirit to link to all those who wear the Rhombus of the Ordis. I communicate an assault vector to the first regimental leader, a tactical deployment to another one, an evasive maneuver to yet another. The aim is to keep the Kraken busy to give the Muna Druids and Yzmir Mages time to prepare their attack. But for that, we need to create a credible diversion and provoke the monster's wrath...