Ordis Gatekeeper

The Aegis Sentinel opened the door and stepped aside to let her through, acknowledging her with a nod as she passed.
I stop abruptly in front of the Council Chamber when I see Maibritt standing in front of the closed door. So they're in session... and a Templar here means they don't want to be disturbed while they negotiate. I approach the guard, and she stands to attention, banging the ground with the end of her shield to warn me that it's futile to try and persuade her. I can't enter. The message couldn't be clearer. I stand in front of her, staring at the gold chain that denotes her rank and the three sealed scrolls that establish her authority: one for her Templar rank, one for her membership in the Order of Syn, and the third and final one stamped with the emblem of Libra, just like her shield. Assistance, security and justice: the three sides of her profession of faith. She outranks me in every way, except maybe in matters of the Expeditionary Corps.
She holds my gaze, but ultimately relaxes when she sees that I'm only going to stand next to her. Her orders are to stop anyone from entering, not to stop anyone from waiting at the door. A long time ago, I had considered a career similar to hers. The Templars are some of the most elite troops in the Aegis and commissioned all over the peninsula. They are shock troops, paid by the Tetrarchy and used by the Asterion's authorities. But as I moved up within the military hierarchy, I realized that my true talent was teaching the cadets and recruits who arrived at the capital's barracks every year. Plus, Maibritt must be somewhat envious of me by now. After all, I was the one that would ultimately go through this door instead of just standing in front of it.