Waru & Mack

Bureaucracy is an art that requires careful planning.


392 AC - Caer Oorun, the Lost Province. Two hundred and seventy-seven years after this area was left to the... Kraken's tentacles, the Asgarthans once again walk this land... Nearly 300 years and so many things forgotten, so many mysteries to uncover and rediscover. So much time lost. I sigh and examine the ruins covered in moss, lichen and ivy. The walls of what was probably once a farmhouse have collapsed from erosion and a lack of upkeep. That was probably a large stable over there, maybe this over here was a well... Mack is on a low wall, casually cleaning his claws. He obviously can't wait to get back to the Ouroboros and dive back into the fascinating and ever-present intrigues there. Between the opponents of the Rediscovery Endeavor and the officers behaving like sycophants in their constant struggle for a little more power, there's certainly always something to do there.

But we are now an Exalt, and our first mission is to explore the vast world – while keeping an eye on the other Asgarthan champions, of course. Besides, my Alter Ego must sometimes give in to the whims of his older half. Mack shakes his head, openly expressing his boredom. He's clearly not as interested in old stones. Despite all my attempts to introduce him to history, archaeology and the study of the past, none of them has ever captured his attention for long. I smile at him as he falls backward into the thick grass and starts squirming like an impatient little kid. Patience, my friend. A worm-eaten door lies on the ground, buried under rubble and a carpet of weeds. Drawing on my imagination, I reconstruct what the building must have looked like. Ghost-images begin to move around in front of me like the lingering echo of an ancient play. Like a voyeur, I watch them.