Son of Yggdrasil

World trees like the Spindle may have grown from the seeds of the Cosmic Ash.


I climb onto the gnarled hand the Son of Yggdrasil holds out to me, clinging to his bark skin while he lifts me up onto his shoulder. As the wind whips my face, I hold my breath and hold on to the few branches covering his outer layer, trying not to look at the ground down below. And when he begins to walk forward, the Eidolon makes the earth quake, the tremors traveling up his limbs to my bluff. The giant steps over a hill, grasping a mountain ridge to climb a steep foothill. The blustery wind is so strong all the way up here, I can scarcely open my eyes. And Kiddo isn't one bit comfortable either. Her iridescent wings tremble whenever he takes a step, buzzing frenetically like a hummingbird so she can maintain a little balance.

But when I glimpse the horizon, my fear instantly vanishes. At the threshold between sky and earth, I can see the Tumult's effluvia shimmering like a mirage. So that's where I come from. Somewhere far off. Although Orchid couldn't tell me exactly where she found me, I know it wasn't in Asgartha, but in a place where enormous flowers spring up from the ground. That means there were other Oases where human life was possible, and that other peoples lived in what we called Terra Incognita. Feeling more confident, I dare to peek down below. With one step, the Son of Yggdrasil covers miles, crossing the forest as if it were a backyard vegetable patch. He is careful to avoid trampling the trees, leaving huge footprints in clearings and bogs. If not for him, it would've taken me days to get across this wooded expanse... I feel the excitement coming over me. Next stop, Amorgand, to find my father!