Helping Hand

Never gonna give you up.
I grab a blade of grass and start chewing on it while massaging my aching neck. In the distance, a few layers of Tumult are swaying like a sea of fog, but of course there are Exalts already moving towards it. Damn, my first real aches and pains. Once upon a time, this expedition would've been a walk in the park for me, but it seems my age is catching up to me. "Hah, more like it caught up a while ago, Baz." I glare at Kai, whose eyes appear on my forearm. "Hah," says the freeloader who doesn't make the slightest effort. But any way you slice it, he's right. I'm on the final pages of my story, and it's high time I passed the baton to a younger generation. To the ones who still have their whole lives ahead of them.
Aoife comes to me while I'm still lost in thought. She reaches out to help me stand. I accept the help begrudgingly, and she easily pulls me up despite my frame being much sturdier than hers. I crack my neck and work my shoulders to stretch my chilled muscles. Wordlessly, she gives my shoulder a knowing smack before issuing orders to the other team members. Don't get ahead of yourself, Aoife. I've still got a few pages left to finish my story, and I don't plan on leaving without one last stunt. I grab my bag and put it on my back. Kaizaimon flashes a smile before disappearing under my clothes, sliding over my skin like the living tattoo he enjoys being at times. I crack my knuckles. Despite it all, I still have a role to play in the here and now… and it has to be said, I still look good for my age.