
Knowledge and wisdom must walk side by side.


Despite his imposing size, Ganesha leans delicately over the man, adjusting his magnifier goggles. His hands move with a kind of slow precision, like a goldsmith working on a precious stone. He looks at the Graft, the mechanical prosthesis he has attached to the worker, checking that everything looks right and is working properly. He adjusts a few nuts before standing upright, satisfied, while the worker tests his new mechanical arm. Ganesha smiles upon seeing tears in the eyes of the young man, who had lost his limb in an unfortunate work accident. With his new arm, he can get on with his life, even though he'll need to rebuild it a little… just like I had to. I watch him leave the workshop with his eyes fixed on his brand-new Graft. It will take him many weeks to fully get used to its weight, its new sensations, and even the simple fact that it's there.

I slowly walk toward the Elephant-Eidolon, who seems to size me up with his gaze. It's always hard to know what he's thinking. His trunk wraps around the operation seat and gently moves it aside. Each step is painful, but I've learned to live with it. My cane clacks against the stairs as I climb onto the lifting platform to bring Ganesha the prosthesis for the next patient. Crafting these augmentations has given my life new purpose, and I enjoy helping those in need. This obviously wasn't the goal I had set for myself, but it is what it is. I have to be content with that. The Eidolon extends one of his arms toward me, helping me climb the final steps. I nod to him in thanks as a young woman with tanned skin appears.