




Main effect

When I go to Reserve from your hand — You may play me for free and I gain Asleep. During Dusk, ignore my statistics. During Rest, I don't go to Reserve and I lose Asleep.

Altered Cards

Rulings & Clarification

9/15/24, 8:25 AM

Question : If my opponent has a card that says "Characters your opponents play cost 1 more" such as Robin Hood on the board when Coppélia is supposed to arrive "for free". Will she cost me 1 mana, or does her effect take over?

Answer : Coppelia is played for free!

9/15/24, 8:25 AM

Question : Does Coppelia gain Fleeting when played for free via her effect?

Answer : Yes, unless something else prevents it, a card played for free follows the other rules, such as becoming Fleeting when played from Reserve.

9/15/24, 8:25 AM

Question : If Coppelia is played for free thanks to a Quick Action, such as the power of Treyst & Rossum, does it end the turn?

Answer : No. If the resolution of Quick Action includes playing a card, the turn continues normally.