
"I'm putting you on ice!"


The camp is in an uproar. Someone's stolen our supplies of maple syrup! Another robbery… Who could have committed this wicked crime? I can't let this kind of provocation slide, especially not this early in the morning. We all have the right to enjoy a bit of maple syrup on our breakfast pancakes. It's one of our golden rules. How else can we be expected to make progress through the unforgiving cold of this region without being knocked off our stride by an untimely wave of hunger? This constant pilfering has got to stop! I signal to Taru, and we head out to comb the area for any interesting leads. As expected, webbed footprints mark the ground not far from the scene of the crime. This is completely unacceptable! Taru giggles loudly at my sour mood. He and I both know I'm not a morning person.

As we round a high snowbank, we come face to face with the thief. My anger softens a little at the sight of his waddling, childlike gait. But that soft-heartedness evaporates in an instant as I realize the extent of his crime spree. The maple syrup isn't the only thing he stole! He also took the duty officer's hat… and Fen's scarf! Like I said, it's completely unacceptable. I'll make him regret ever waddling into our camp. But even as I shout to him to stop, he continues on his merry way. I rush towards him, but he changes direction with surprising speed. He obviously doesn't want to listen to reason. I thrust both palms out towards him in a bold, commanding gesture and blast him with an icy gust. He stops cold, sealed in a thick layer of ice. Take that, you foul feathered felon! That'll teach you to steal my breakfast!




393 AC