Ordis Overseer

Proper resource allocation can help make up for lost ground.


The rocky foothills marking the edge of the tundra form serrated crests like oversized coral. These huge, ochre-colored rock formations are half-mineral and half-organic according to the Muna. But I didn't follow the scientific explanations too closely, I'll admit. I take my place in the ranks of officers charged with leading the exploration operations. I'm facing the non-commissioned officer who's come to explain the overall strategic picture for the coming weeks. Although she seems clearly out of her element, she's lost nothing of her natural authority. Despite the intense cold here and the wind blowing into the valley from the tundra, she's still wearing the standard uniform. She must be freezing, but she hasn't shown the slightest sign of discomfort or weakness. Standing straight as a rod, she unfurls the scrolls of official orders and comments on them in a strong, steady voice. She reminds us of the bureaucratic guidelines and fundamental laws that we all know by heart.

The ranks of NCOs and field officers are much calmer and more focused than their usual distracted selves, captivated by the commander's impressive poise. Behind her, aides do their best to keep documents, maps and plans from being blown away in a sudden gust of wind. Their efforts are in vain, but the papers swirling around the supervisor don't disturb her briefing in the least. She announces that reinforcements will be sent ahead to deal with a critical situation further out in the zone. She mentions alarming reports about our scouts being harassed by Belisenki. I listen carefully because the next part affects us directly. Obviously, we'll be the ones assigned to join up with the advance guard and hold the line until reinforcements arrive. She finally stops speaking and looks us straight in the eye. A heavy silence settles over the ranks. My comrades and I all sense the gravity of this moment. Once she feels that the message has sunk in, her jaw relaxes a little. Any questions?




393 AC