
Like a dog with a bone.


Come here, you! If you think you can get away from me, you little crook, you can think again. The web-footed creature zigzags through the trees, hopping and occasionally sliding on its belly to pick up speed down the snowy slopes. In its bag, it's carrying all kinds of little trinkets stolen from the camp, including the ring Hasret gave back to me. That ring carries far too many bittersweet memories: from the day she accepted it from me, trying to hide her emotions behind a wall of sarcasm and indifference, to the night she returned it, knowing that our days together before my departure were coming to an end… There's no way I'm letting some damn bird steal it from me. Using Heka, I stamp a Glyph onto the trunk of an old birch and a pack of bloodhounds leaps out, yapping and barking excitedly.

Let the hunt begin! The dogs immediately begin sniffing out the tracks, then quickly set off in pursuit. That thieving bird might have been able to shake me off its trail, but it won't escape my dogs. Fen was right to ask for my help. She had assigned me to find its nest, filled with its illicit spoils. And now my hounds are catching up to the plunderer. In a panic, it drops a few items, which plop softly into the snow. But no matter how fast it runs, it will end up cornered. I suddenly hear squealing and oinking. I stop running and look over to see the Three Little Pigs scampering towards me. They look like they're being chased by some indescribable danger. I curse to myself, knowing full well that I can't just leave without helping them. I whistle to my dogs to send them towards the camp. Then I yell at the Eidolons – whoever may have summoned them – to follow my pups right away.




393 AC