
Everything fun is life is either forbidden or completely crazy.


Woohoo! Faster, faster! Wow, even without a mount, this thing goes at full throttle! What's the point in having flesh-and-idea reindeer when you can bring the figurehead to life? I love the wind rushing through my hair, though less so the constant lurching – left, right, brake, speed up – which is making me queasy. Thankfully there aren't many bugs in this area. I hate it when they splat on my teeth or get stuck in my throat. With each tight turn, we carve deep grooves into the ice, where icy water from the huge lake starts to seep through. Big oops, that wasn't part of the plan. But I quickly dismiss any fears I have (obviously unnecessary) because deep down I know it's bound to help the ice fishermen. If that's not doing a good deed, I don't know what is!

In front of me, strapped into the seat, the kids can't stop laughing, as if we were on a rollercoaster in some theme park. Now that's what I call a wild ride! After a front flip, I hold back the urge to barf. Hmm. Turns out this joyride isn't as much fun as I first thought. Right, that's enough, I'm done. You have to know when to quit. Having your stomach turned inside out is definitely not all it's cracked up to be. I quickly pull on the brake and jump from the sleigh at the first opportunity. I slip and fall on my butt, of course, but I don't care because I feel so sick. Suddenly, as I try to pull myself together, I see one of the rug rats releasing the handbrake. The sleigh starts to speed off at full tilt, leaving me stranded miles away from the camp. Bigger oops.




393 AC