
Proud guardian of the Bifröst, he decides who gets to switch sides.
I hate wasting time in ice caves, going round in circles trying to find an exit. Actually, I just hate wasting time, period. I kick myself for having taken this path, which has turned out to be a dead end. It's what I deserve for playing tricks on those poor wretches the other day or criticizing Nyala's powers, which I could really use right about now. This is definitely karma. But I have more than one trick up my sleeve. There's a key for every door! And if not, I can always make one! Heimdall is the perfect candidate for this feat. My Ignescence calls him, and he's quick to reply. Oh, doesn't he look good! It's always a joy to see him, so sparkly, gleaming and colorful! All the power of the most vivid light emanates from this Eidolon, an inner fire similar to mine. And let's not forget Gjallarhorn, with its multiple horns. I can't take my eyes off the guardian of the Bifrost and his instrument that plays four notes. I can't help but see them as fountains of color, or maybe cotton-candy machines. Waves of pink and blue energy pulse out, promising the birth of a rainbow. How can you not love that?
I smile at him, encouraging him to blow harder. Our eyes meet. He understands what I want. His chest puffs out, then his cheeks. His eyebrows furrow. This is the moment we've been waiting for. The sound swells, transforming into an ever-stronger vibration. The waves emitted from Gjallarhorn are imbued with a range of saturated hues. They fill the whole area, getting into every corner. I can't resist the urge to bathe in the light by performing little dance steps at Heimdall's feet, brushing him with my hands. But he remains focused. He knows how to resist me. The sound grows stronger, and the rock explodes, collapsing the stone wall! Sunlight finally mingles with the colorful filaments of the rainbow. I remain there for a long time, enjoying this scene of hypnotic colors. What a shame Fen isn't here with me to appreciate this spectacle.
Source Heimdall is the god of light and the moon in Norse mythology and has nine mothers. He is the guardian of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard with Midgard. He wields Gjallarhorn and is tasked with sounding it to announce Ragnarok, the end of the world. In that final battle, he will have to kill the god Loki... and be killed by him.
Heimdall is the god of light and the moon in Norse mythology and has nine mothers. He is the guardian of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard with Midgard. He wields Gjallarhorn and is tasked with sounding it to announce Ragnarok, the end of the world. In that final battle, he will have to kill the god Loki... and be killed by him.
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