Snowball Commando

What goes around comes around!
I can't believe it. Abandoned by my own Alter Ego. You can never count on that grouch because sleep is sacred, supposedly, and he needs his proper hours every night. Damn, I knew I shouldn't have woken him to ask his opinion! Well, back to square one, I guess, even though many would say I hadn't got very far with my planning anyway. Improvise. Improvise. Come up with an idea, any idea, and see it through to the end, whether it works or fails. But I've been going round in circles all morning, and I haven't seen a single lightbulb appear over my head. You have an idea, right? Something brilliant, clever... I'll take whatever you've got. But no, not the slightest hint of assistance, even when a helpless young lady is desperately in need of some!
Go on, then, move along, nothing to see here! I'll handle it all on my own, as usual... The snowball hits me right in the middle of my forehead, and I (elegantly) spit out the frozen slush that managed to get into my mouth. Then I stare down the cheeky kids who dared to disturb me while I was lost in my thoughts. The urchins look at me with fear in their eyes. But that's hardly surprising, as I didn't do my hair this morning. Then suddenly: DING! The frozen pie to my face seems to have jolted me into some fresh ideas! Is that what they mean about keeping a cool head? I start to smile at them, and maybe my evil-genius grin scares them more than my angry face from a few seconds ago. It always helps to have a few minions in tow. And they owe me now!
393 AC