Eat Me Energy Bars

Eat Me Energy Bars



Main effect

I gain Fleeting.
If there is only one Character in my Expedition, it is Gigantic. (It is considered present in each of your Expeditions.)

Altered Cards

Rulings & Clarification

1/31/2025, 10:38 AM

Question : If a Gigantic Character has an effect referring to "my Expedition", which Expedition is it?

Answer : Its effects affecting its Expedition affect its Expeditions instead.

1/31/2025, 10:38 AM

Question : If a Gigantic Character has an effect referring to "the Expedition facing me", which Expedition is it?

Answer : Both of the Expeditions facing it. For example, if you play Sakarabru in an Expedition containing the Eat Me Energy Bars, both your opponent's Expeditions move backwards.