
He's got more than one arrow in his quiver.


I slow down, watching Kojo disappear over the other side of the crest. I had barely set foot in the pass when the Belisenki burst out of the snowdrifts, forming swirling clouds of snowflakes. They emerge from their snowbanks with a sinister tinkling and humming sound. Some twenty pairs of black eyes stare at me, like a score of dark threats. My blade is immediately in my hand, but I realize it's already too late. It's clear that they have the numerical advantage. I need time to prepare a fitting response. Ember! My heart sinks. No. No, I can't let myself be slowed down any further. Aurora is waiting for me in her crystal prison. No, this can't be the end of the road for me. I stand on guard, trying to find a way out while readying myself for the imminent attack. I draw on the love I feel for her to give me courage. I call on the love that has guided each of my steps.

Like a meteorite, a flaming spirit lands on my right side, while an intense light begins to shine just above me, dazzling and comforting me. The ice creatures freeze for a moment, blinded, as a figure appears before me. It's Eros gracing me with his presence. Did I just instinctively materialize him? Was it Surge that came to my aid? It doesn't matter. I won't let this opportunity go to waste. The Belisenki blink frantically, and their black eyes open again. But luck is starting to turn in my favor. Two, then three flaming beings land and create a barrier between me and the Belisenki. The creatures hesitate, and rightly so. Eros laughs as his wings unfurl. I smile and am now encouraged, reassured and raring to go. I step back and focus on my next attack. I let Eros make the first move, which gives me time to summon the blazing fire.

Source Eros is the god of love and procreation in the Greek pantheon. Son of Chaos, he is one of the primordial deities along with Gaia, Nyx, Tartare and Erebus. He was born from the cosmic egg, created by the union of Aether and Chaos. In early depictions he represented a non-sexual union, like friendship. The sexual depiction of Eros came about with the castration of Uranus by Cronus, when Cronus threw his father's genitals into the sea. This act gave rise to Aphrodite, Himeros and the new incarnation of Eros. In both his primordial and subsequent depictions, he represents the force of attraction that pushes partners to be together.


Eros is the god of love and procreation in the Greek pantheon. Son of Chaos, he is one of the primordial deities along with Gaia, Nyx, Tartare and Erebus. He was born from the cosmic egg, created by the union of Aether and Chaos. In early depictions he represented a non-sexual union, like friendship. The sexual depiction of Eros came about with the castration of Uranus by Cronus, when Cronus threw his father's genitals into the sea. This act gave rise to Aphrodite, Himeros and the new incarnation of Eros. In both his primordial and subsequent depictions, he represents the force of attraction that pushes partners to be together.
