The World of Altered

During a planetary cataclysm now known as the Confluence, a magical storm swept over the world, erratically and fatally transforming everything in its path. The storm was triggered when the imaginary world collided with reality, and everything within it started to flood into the real world.

However, certain secluded human communities managed to survive the apocalypse and the altered world that emerged from it. Answering a mysterious call, these people converged on the peninsula that would become known as Asgartha, with the aim of building a new shared civilization together.

It is now about 500 years after the cataclysm, and humanity has finally decided to venture beyond the frontiers of its new home. To do this, it has launched the Rediscovery Endeavor, the greatest initiative in its history. Beyond the boundaries of Asgartha, humanity knows that a magical phenomenon known as the Tumult continues to alter the world.

Until now, these ever-changing lands have been too hostile for anyone venturing into them, but humanity can now turn to the Exalts: pairs of explorers who can use their powers to survive in these unstable environments. Exalts have learned to master Alteration, the power to bring their imagination to life within reality. To do this, they capture and use Mana, the same energy that feeds the Tumult.

Through these teams of scouts, humanity intends to explore the unknown. Yet the Exalts' mission also has another purpose: They seek the legendary source of the Tumult in hopes that they can permanently stabilize the chaos in the world.

A Brief Timeline

  • ??? -
    The Great Migration

    The survivors of the Confluence, now known as the Tumult Nomads, are living in an altered world, constantly migrating to escape the devastation left by the Tumult. Responding to a mystical call, all human tribes converge on the same specific peninsula.

  • 1 AC -
    Asgartha founded

    All the reunited human communities found Asgartha, the new cradle and home of human civilization. By a decree known as the Concord, they come together as a single people. The initialism "AC", which stands for Anno Concordiae, is chosen to define the Asgarthan calendar.

  • 115 AC -
    The arrival of the Kraken

    A terrifying Leviathan settles in the western region of Asgartha. The Asgarthans are forced to flee this region, which is now known as the Lost Province of Caer Oorun. A magical wall is erected to prevent the Kraken from destroying and ravaging the rest of the peninsula.

  • 194 AC -
    The whole peninsula is explored

    After nearly two centuries of exploration, the Asgarthan peninsula is almost entirely inhabited by the survivors, from the capital, Arkaster, to the island of Suspira at its eastern end.

  • 259 AC -
    Asgartha becomes a republic

    After periods as a kingdom and then a federation, Asgartha becomes a participatory republic, ruled by a Basileus or Basilissa.

  • 295 AC -
    Enactment of the Covenant

    After a series of devastating conflicts, the Factions decide to sign an enduring pact of non-aggression and understanding – the Covenant – through which they all agree to cooperate for the common good.

  • 368 AC -
    Announcement of the Rediscovery Endeavor

    Basileus Avkan ruun-Heshkari requests an extension of his term to oversee the implementation of the Rediscovery Endeavor, a massive joint initiative to return to the regions still affected by the Tumult.

  • 392 AC -
    Launch of the Rediscovery Endeavor

    After nearly four centuries, humanity is finally ready to leave its home and explore the world. The Solstice Gate, closed centuries ago, will open once more to let the exploration teams through. But to venture into the unknown, the Asgarthans must again face the Kraken, and this time defeat it…

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