The Formats of Altered – Multiplayer

  • News

  • September 6th, 2024

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5 minutes

Multiplayer is a fun and more social way to experience Altered, where you can play with more than 2 players. It is a constructed format, meaning that you’ll build a deck ahead of time and bring it to the game.

Multiplayer can be played with several modes:

  • In 2v2, you and your teammate face another team and whichever team manages to have their Hero and Companion meet first wins the game.
  • In Free for All, you compete against all the other players, but you can only race against two of them: the player on your right, and the player on your left. You win when you are the first to have your Hero and Companion meet.

Multiplayer Deck Construction Rules

Multiplayer decks in Altered follow the Standard deck construction rules. Players may play with any Hero they like, meaning two players can choose the same Hero.

  • A deck must contain a minimum of 39 non-Hero cards plus exactly 1 Hero card.
    • Token cards do not count towards the deck minimum. If you have token cards to go with your deck, they start outside your deck.
  • All cards in your deck must be of the same faction as your Hero card.
  • You may have a maximum of 3 copies of a card with the same name, regardless of rarity.
  • You may have a maximum of 15 Rare cards in your deck.
  • You may have a maximum of 3 Unique cards in your deck.


Number of Players

2v2 is a four player mode, with players divided in two teams.


Setting up an Altered Multiplayer 2v2 game

  • Form two teams, with players on the same team sitting across from each other. Then randomly determine the first player.
  • Place two Hero Region cards opposite each other. Do the same with the Companion Region cards.
  • Take two sets of Tumult cards. Form three piles, each containing two identical Tumult cards. Then randomize your 3 piles.
  • Take the first pile: place one of the cards next to a Hero card, and the other next to the other Hero card. Take the second pile and do the same by placing them next to the Companion cards. Place the last two cards in the center, side by side.
  • You can now start the first day. Players take turns in clockwise order until everyone has passed.
  • Each player faces a different opponent for each of their Expeditions.
  • When a player reaches one of the central Tumult cards, flip both face-up. Place the second card in the opposite direction to the first one, so that the two single region types are on opposite sides.
  • The Expeditions markers continue moving towards each other, following the path indicated.
  • The first player to have their Hero and Companion Expedition meet up in the same Region claims victory for their team!


Multiplayer 2v2 Format Rules

Victory Conditions

  • The first player to have their Hero and Companion Expedition meet up in the same Region wins the game for their team.
  • If two players on different teams meet the victory condition at the same time: first check if only one player moved further than necessary. If they did, their team wins the game; otherwise, play a tiebreaker Day in the Arena.
  • If three players meet the victory condition, the two allied players win the game.
  • If all four players meet victory condition and one team has at least one additional advance compared to the other, that team wins the game; otherwise, play a tiebreaker Day in the Arena.


Play an additional Day with the following rule modification: during Dusk, each team totals their Characters' stats for each type of Arena Region (Forest, Mountain, and Water). The team that overcomes its opponents in the most types wins the game.

In case of a further tie, play an additional tiebreaker Day until a team is declared winner.

First player effects

Effects that activate if you are the first player (Akesha & Taru, Kojo & Booda, Lindiwe & Maw) are activated if either member of the team has the first player token.

Interactions with your teammate

  • It is not allowed to show your hand of cards to your teammate.
  • Communication between players (and limits to such) may vary depending on the setting. A tournament may restrict any form of communication, while another table may agree that any information is fair game as long as it’s transparent and intelligible by both teams, while others still may allow coded messages. Players should ensure they are in agreement at the beginning of the game.
  • It is not possible to directly play a card into your teammate's Expedition or Landmark Zone. However, certain effects or abilities, may allow creating tokens, for example.


  • When a card mentions “target Expedition” or "target Character", it can refer to any ally or enemy Expedition or Character.
  • When a card mentions "in your Expedition" or a Character "you control," this only applies to your side of the board and not your teammate's side.
  • When a card mentions "target opponent": choose one of your opponents.
  • When a card mentions "your opponent": it refers to each of your opponents.
  • You can only sacrifice cards that you control and not cards controlled by your teammate.


Free for All

Number of Players

Free for All is a four player mode, where each player plays against the others.

Setting up an Altered Multiplayer Free for All game

Setup for an Altered Multiplayer Free for All game is the same as for a 2v2 game, except player placement around the table does not matter.

Multiplayer Free for All Format Rules

Victory Conditions

  • The first player to have their Hero and Companion Expedition meet up in the same Region wins the game.
  • If several players meet the victory condition at the same time: first check if only one player moved further than necessary. If they did, they win the game. Otherwise, play a tiebreaker Day in the Arena with only the players who moved the farthest.


Play an additional Day with the following rules modifications:

  • Players that did not qualify for the tiebreaker leave the game. All the other players keep their Hero and Companion Expeditions at the same place.
  • From a rule viewpoint, Expeditions that faced one of these players now face each other (you may in that case have a Companion Expedition facing a Hero Expedition).
  • During Dusk, each player totals their Characters' stats for each type of Arena Region (Forest, Mountain, and Water).
  • For each of these, check if one player has a higher total than all the other players.
  • The player that overcomes all the others in the most Region types wins.
  • In case of a further tie, play an additional tiebreaker Day with only the players with the highest totals until a player is declared winner.


In this example, the fact that Bob and Camille did better than Alice in Forest and Mountain doesn’t matter since neither has the highest score in Mountain nor Forest. Alice wins.

First player effects

Effects that activate “if you are the first player” (Akesha & Taru, Kojo & Booda, Lindiwe & Maw) are activated only if you have the first player token.

Interactions with other players

  • It is not allowed to show your hand of cards to any other player.
  • Communication between players (and limits to such) may vary depending on the setting. A tournament may restrict any form of communication, while another table may agree that any information is fair game as long as it’s transparent and intelligible by both teams, while others still may allow coded messages. Players should ensure they are in agreement at the beginning of the game.


  • When a card mentions a "target Expedition" or "target Character," it can refer to any Expedition or any Character.
  • When a card mentions "target opponent": choose one of your opponents.
  • When a card mentions "your opponent": it refers to all of your opponents.