1 day ago4 minutes
Comprehensive Rules Update – Trial by Frost
The following article lists all Comprehensive Rules updates that have been made with version 2.0 for the release of Trial by Frost.
1 day ago5 minutes
My steps glide delicately over the snow. I take every precaution, letting my boots sink into the powder while making as little noise as possible. I check the wind's direction and ensure it won't shift.
2 days ago6 minutes
Marketplace and Print-on-demand Beta – Announcing Phase 2
This first phase of the Marketplace and Print-on-demand beta is coming to a close. Today we’re letting you know what’s next and announcing the launch of phase 2.
3 days ago4 minutes
Meet the Community #23 : Cohlrabi
My story on how I got started with Altered is a story as old as time… lost my job and the job market was really harsh so I needed a way to make money until obtaining another full time job.
Explore the Unexpected
Play as a Hero, choose a faction and lead your expeditions into the unknown in this innovative TCG set in a modern and colorful fantasy universe.
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